Your search found 5 records
1 Aerts, J. C. J. H.; Droogers, Peter. (Eds.) 2004. Climate change in contrasting river basins: adaptation strategies for water, food and environment. Wallingford, UK: CABI. ix, 264p.
River basins ; Climate change ; Indicators ; Hydrology ; Models ; Food security ; Food production ; Ecosystems ; Environmental effects ; Water availability ; Irrigation water ; Sustainable agriculture / Central Asia / Iran / South East Asia / West Africa / Sri Lanka / USA / Syr Darya Basin / Zayandeh Rud Basin / Rhine Basin / Mekong Basin / Volta Basin / Walawe Basin / California / Sacramento Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 630.2515  G000 AER Record No: H036667)

2 Klein, H.; Douben, K. J.; van Deursen, W.; van Steveninck, E. D. R. 2004. Increasing climate variability in the Rhine Basin: Business as usual? In Aerts, J. C. J. H.; Droogers, Peter (Eds.), Climate change in contrasting river basins: Adaptation strategies for water, food and environment. Cambridge, MA, USA: CABI. pp.133-155.
River basins ; Climate change ; Indicators ; Hydrology ; Models / Europe / Rhine Basin / Rhine Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 630.2515  G000 AER Record No: H036674)

3 Shmueli, D. F. 2006. Water quality in international river basins. Political Geography, 18:437-476.
River basins ; Water quality ; Water pollution ; Water law ; Trade agreements ; Case studies ; Non-governmental organizations ; Political aspects ; International cooperation / India / South East Asia / Europe / USA / Ganges-Brahmaputra / Mekong River / Colorado River / Danube River / Rio Bravo / Rio Grande / Elbe Basin / Rhine Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7703 Record No: H039586)

4 de Vriend, H. J.; Dijkman, J. P. M. 2003. A new method of decision support to river flood management. In Yellow River Conservancy Commission. Proceedings, 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management – Volume III. Zhengzhou, China: The Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House. pp.63-71.
Rivers ; Flood control ; Decision support tools ; Models ; Infrastructure / China / Germany / Netherlands / Rhine basin / Yellow River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G592 YEL Record No: H034658)

5 Sehring, J.; ter Horst, R.; Said, A. 2023. Water diplomacy: a man’s world? insights from the Nile, Rhine and Chu-Talas Basins. Journal of Hydrology X, 20:100152. [doi:]
Gender equality ; Transboundary waters ; International waters ; International cooperation ; Conflicts ; River basins ; Legal aspects ; Decision making ; Water management ; Water resources ; Political aspects ; Water governance ; Policies ; Women’s participation ; Case studies / Africa / Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Nile Basin / Chu-Talas Basin / Rhine Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052259)
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Based on Feminist Institutionalism, this paper analyses the reasons for gender disbalance in water diplomacy. To this end, it looks at three intergovernmental decision-making forums on shared waters, namely the Nile Technical Advisory Committee, the Chu-Talas Water Commission, and the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine. The perceived key obstacles for women’s access to decision-making positions were disciplinary gender divides that go along with a largely technical approach to water management, the gender division of labour, cultural norms, and perceptions of good leadership. While their relevance differed in the different socio-economic, political and cultural contexts, the overall results show that male dominance in water diplomacy is not only a matter of numerical representation, but enshrined in professional norms and practices.

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