Your search found 56 records
1 Netherlands Water Partnership; WASTE Advisers on Urban Environment and Development; Practica Foundation; Simavi; IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre; Partners for Water. 2006. Smart sanitation solutions: examples of innovative, low-cost technologies for toilets, collection, transportation, treatment and use of sanitation products. Delft, Netherlands: NWP. 68p.
Sanitation ; Appropriate technology ; Hygiene ; Public health ; Excreta ; Collection ; Transport ; Waste treatment ; Fertilizers ; Composting ; Soil conditioners ; Dehydration ; Anaerobic treatment ; Biogas ; Costs ; Case studies / Philippines / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 628 G000 NET Record No: H038806)
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2 Orange, Didier; Nguyen Duy, P.; Loiseau, J. B.; Bui Tan, Y.; Henry des Tureaux, Thierry; Bardouin, L.; Rodriguez, C.; Bertrand, J.; Grandidier, E.; Jouquet, Pascal; Toan, T. D. 2008. Exploring the relevance and feasibility of PES approaches for producing environmental services through changes in agricultural practices: a case study in the Mekong Region: Vietnam case. Intermediate report of the Challenge Program for Water and Food, CPWF theme 2, Contract C-056-07. 68p.
Erosion ; Runoff ; Models ; Highlands ; Watersheds ; Catchment areas ; Environmental protection ; User charges ; Farming systems ; Composts ; Biofuels ; Biogas ; Water balance ; Irrigation operation ; Case studies / Vietnam / Tien Xuan Commune / Dong Cao Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043014)
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3 Planchon, O.; Pierret, Alain; Orange, Didier. 2009. Relevance and feasibility of PES to combat soil erosion and solve catchment management issues: three case studies in Southeast Asia. Project completion report of the Payment for Environmental Services initiative of Theme 2 of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), 2007-2008. 146p.
Environmental protection ; User charges ; Water pollution ; Erosion ; Land use ; Water quality ; Watersheds ; Waste management ; Biofuels ; Biogas ; Case studies / South East Asia / Laos / Thailand / Vietnam / Houay Xon / Ban Lak Sip / Ban Donkang / Phrae Province / Mae Thang Watershed / Ban Pong / Tien Xuan Commune / Dong Xuan Commune / Cua Khau Dam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043015)
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4 Lal, B.; Sarma, P. M. (Eds.) 2011. Wealth from waste: trends and technologies. 3rd ed. New Delhi, India: TERI Press. 457p.
Waste management ; Industrial wastes ; Solid wastes ; Biomass ; Gasifiers ; Biofuels ; Plant oils ; Biodiesel ; Biogas ; Methane ; Environmental effects ; Environmental legislation ; Policy ; Bioreactors ; Wastewater treatment ; Economic aspects ; Case studies / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.728 G000 LAL Record No: H043791)
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5 Menard, C.; Ramirez, A. A.; Nikiema, Josiane; Heitz, M. 2012. Biofiltration of methane and trace gases from landfills: a review. Environmental Reviews, 20(1):40-53. [doi:]
Methane ; Carbon dioxide ; Biogas ; Filtration ; Biotechnology ; Landfills ; Water
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H044751)
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Concerns about biogas from landfills are reviewed in terms of biogas generation, composition, and elimination. Biogas is mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide but it also contains a few hundred non-methane organic compounds. The solutions available to reduce its harmful effects on the environment and on human health are valorization as electricity or heat, flaring, or biofiltration. The main parameters affecting the biofiltration of methane are reviewed: temperature, moisture content, properties of the packing material, nutrient supply, oxygen requirements, formation of exopolysaccharides, and gas residence time. An analysis is performed on the co-metabolic properties and the inhibition interactions of the methane-degrading bacteria, methanotrophs.

6 Lazarova, V.; Choo, K.-H.; Cornel, P. 2012. Water-energy interactions in water reuse. London, UK: IWA Publishing. 329p.
Water management ; Water resources ; Water reuse ; Water demand ; Water quality ; Sea water ; Salinity ; Desalinization ; Economic aspects ; Recycling ; Filtration ; Energy management ; Energy consumption ; Biogas ; Nutrient management ; Wastewater treatment ; Groundwater recharge ; Rain water management ; Water footprint ; Bioreactors ; Greenhouse gases ; Case studies ; Environmental effects ; Fuel crops / Germany / UK / USA / Los Angeles / London
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 LAZ Record No: H045749)
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7 Manandhar, U.; Bhatta, Gopal Datt. 2013. Biogas for climate justice: a story of change in Nepal. In Irish Aid Programme. A new dialogue: putting people at the heart of global development. Papers of the Hunger, Nutrition and Climate Justice Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 15-16 April 2013. Dublin, Ireland: Irish Aid Programme. pp.39-42.
Biogas ; Greenhouse gases ; Climate change ; Gender ; Women ; Financing ; Households / Nepal
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H045836)
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Switching from a wood-fuelled cooking fire to a biogas flame saves trees and time, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and prevents health problems. Community-based cooperatives in the Terai plains of Nepal are using carbon credits to fund micro-loans for families to install the technology.

8 UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme. 2014. The United Nations World Water Development Report 2014. Vol. 2. Facing the challenges. Paris, France: UNESCO. pp.137-204.
Wastewater treatment plants ; Renewable energy ; Water power ; Desalination ; Water use ; Drinking water ; Hydroelectric schemes ; Electricity generation ; Greenhouse gases ; Solar energy ; Urban wastes ; Sewage sludge ; River basins ; Water availability ; Water demand ; Environmental effects ; Population growth ; Biogas ; Geothermal energy ; Sanitation ; Projects ; Case studies / Austria / China / Herzegovina / India / Saudi Arabia / Italy / Japan / Kenya / Mexico / USA / Turkey / Vienna / Yangtze River / Three Gorges Dam / Trebisnjica Multipurpose Hydrosystem / Umbria / Austin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H046372)
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9 Pradhan, Surendra K.; Torvinen, E.; Siljanen, H. M. P.; Pessi, M.; Heinonen-Tanski, H. 2015. Iron flocculation stimulates biogas production in Microthrix parvicella-spiked wastewater sludge. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(9):3039-3046. [doi:]
Iron ; Wastewater treatment ; Sewage sludge ; Aluminium ; Biogas ; Production ; Chemical analysis
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H046768)
Municipal wastewater sludge has been used for fertiliser and biogas production for several decades. Chemical compounds such as iron and aluminium are common coagulants used in wastewater treatment plants to remove suspended solids, phosphorus and micro-organisms. This laboratory study explores whether ferric chloride (FeCl3 as PIX-111) or aluminium chloride (AlCl3 as PAX-18) flocculation could stimulate biogas production in wastewater sludge contaminated with Microthrix parvicella. In a fermentation process run in three replicates, cumulative methane production was in average about 25 % higher using the iron flocculated sludge than using the aluminium flocculated sludge; this difference was statistically significant (P\0.05) in the subsequent runs of the semi-continuous process. In all runs, the iron flocculated sludge produced less (P\0.05) hydrogen sulphide in the biogas than the aluminium flocculated sludge. The numbers of M. parvicella stayed at the similar levels throughout the process. It is concluded that biogas production is higher and more stable with iron coagulant in comparison with aluminium coagulant, presumably due to the reduced formation of hydrogen sulphide. Thus, iron coagulants seem to be better than aluminium coagulants to stimulate the methane production process. Both coagulants significantly suppressed multiplication of M. parvicella in the biogas reactor, i.e. they did not evoke foaming in this experiment.

10 Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.) 2015. Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 287p. [doi:]
Wastewater treatment ; Water reuse ; Economic analysis ; Urbanization ; Sewage sludge ; Health hazards ; Pathogens ; Cost benefit analysis ; Finance ; Environmental risk assessment ; Ecosystem services ; Socioeconomic environment ; Agriculture ; Resource management ; Recycling ; Aquifers ; Groundwater recharge ; Industrial uses ; Businesses ; Models ; Energy consumption ; Nutrients ; Phosphorus ; Nitrogen ; Composting ; Water pollution ; Water quality ; WHO ; Metals ; Semimetals ; Salinity ; Gender ; Private sector ; Institutions ; Legislation ; Regulations ; Farmers ; Crops ; Landscape ; Irrigation ; Biogas ; Markets / Mexico / Cyprus / India / Australia / Iran / Bangalore / Amani Doddakere Lake / Mezquital Valley Aquifer / Ezousa Aquifer / Akrotiri Aquifer / Bolivar Aquifer / Mashhad Plain Aquifer
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI, e-copy SF Record No: H046957)
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11 Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Rao, Krishna; Hanjra, Munir A.; Hernandez-Sancho, F. 2015. Business models and economic approaches for recovering energy from wastewater and fecal sludge. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.217-245.
Business management ; Models ; Economic aspects ; Cost benefit analysis ; Investment ; Resource management ; Energy management ; Energy generation ; Feaces ; Sewage sludge ; Wastewater treatment ; Biogas ; Methane ; Private sector ; Sanitation ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H046969)

12 Tedla, H. A.; Gebremichael, Y.; Edwards, S. 2012. Some examples of best practices by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Book One. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Best Practice Association (BPA); Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD). 117p.
Smallholders ; Farmers ; Best practices ; Watershed management ; Reservoirs ; Soil fertility ; Subsurface drainage ; Water lifting ; Innovation ; Climate change adaptation ; Food security ; Crop production ; Alternative agriculture ; Intensification ; Diversification ; Apples ; Apiculture ; Composting ; Biogas ; Land rehabilitation ; Environmental protection ; Communities ; Living standards ; Socioeconomic environment ; Local organizations / Ethiopia / Hayq / Abreha we-Atsbeha Kebele / Tigray / Ziban Sas
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 630.92 G136 TED Record No: H047355)
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13 Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Amewu, Sena; Taron, Avinandan; Otoo, Miriam. 2016. Energy recovery from domestic and agro-waste streams in Uganda: a socioeconomic assessment. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 52p. (Resource Recovery and Reuse Series 09) [doi:]
Resource recovery ; Water reuse ; Energy generation ; Business management ; Models ; Socioeconomic environment ; Environmental impact assessment ; Economic analysis ; Fuels ; Fuelwood ; Agriculture ; Residues ; Transport ; Briquettes ; Social impact ; Gasification ; Biogas ; Greenhouse gases ; Methane ; Emission ; Benefits ; Household wastes ; Electricity generation ; Sanitation ; Excreta ; Waste management ; Wastewater ; Farmers ; Public health ; Rivers / Uganda
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047671)
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Recovering energy from waste offers dual benefits – a) improved waste management, and b) provision of reliable energy to households, institutions and commercial entities. In this report, we present a socioeconomic assessment of three energy business models (briquette manufacturing, on-site (public toilet) energy generation, and agro-waste electricity generation) based on feasibility studies carried out in the city of Kampala, Uganda. We assess the potential economic, environmental and social impacts of waste-to-energy business models taking into consideration a life cycle of emissions to provide decision makers with the overall costs and benefits of the models to society versus a business-as-usual scenario.

14 Rao, Krishna C.; Kvarnstrom, E.; Di Mario, L.; Drechsel, Pay. 2016. Business models for fecal sludge management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 80p. (Resource Recovery and Reuse Series 06) [doi:]
Faecal sludge ; Resource management ; Resource recovery ; Recycling ; Business management ; Models ; Waste disposal ; Desludging ; Dumping ; Sewerage ; Waste treatment ; Waste water treatment plants ; Solid wastes ; Pollution ; Composts ; Public health ; Sanitation ; Latrines ; Defaecation ; Stakeholders ; Finance ; Cost recovery ; Energy recovery ; Biogas ; Organic fertilizers ; Private enterprises ; Institutions ; Partnerships ; Licences ; Regulations ; Transport ; Septic tanks ; Nutrients ; Taxes ; Farmers ; Urban areas ; Landscape ; Household ; Incentives ; Case studies / Asia / Africa / Latin America / South Africa / Kenya / India / Rwanda / Nepal / Philippines / Lesotho / Bangladesh / Mozambique / Ghana / Senegal / Benin / Sierra Leone / Malaysia / Ethiopia / Vietnam / Mali / Sri Lanka / Burkina Faso / Peru / Haiti / Dakar / Nairobi / Maseru / Accra / Tamale / Addis Ababa / Eastern Cape / Maputo / Dhaka / Ho Chi Minh City / Hai Phong / Dumaguete / Mombasa / Kisumu / San Fernando / Bamako / Cotonou / Ouagadougou / Kigali / Bangalore / Dharwad / Balangoda
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H047826)
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On-site sanitation systems, such as septic tanks and pit latrines, are the predominant feature across rural and urban areas in most developing countries. However, their management is one of the most neglected sanitation challenges. While under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the set-up of toilet systems received the most attention, business models for the sanitation service chain, including pit desludging, sludge transport, treatment and disposal or resource recovery, are only emerging. Based on the analysis of over 40 fecal sludge management (FSM) cases from Asia, Africa and Latin America, this report shows opportunities as well as bottlenecks that FSM is facing from an institutional and entrepreneurial perspective.

15 Mohammed, M.; Egyir, I. S.; Donkor, A. K.; Amoah, Philip; Nyarko, S.; Boateng, K. K.; Ziwu, C. 2017. Feasibility study for biogas integration into waste treatment plants in Ghana. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 26(3):695-703. [doi:]
Feasibility studies ; Biogas ; Integration ; Waste treatment ; Sewerage ; Renewable energy ; Cost benefit analysis ; Economic aspects ; Investment ; Methane emission ; Electricity generation / Ghana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047916)
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Biogas (anaerobic digestion) technology is one of the most viable renewable energy technologies today. However, its economic efficiency depends on the investment costs, costs of operating the biogas plant and optimum methane production. Likewise the profit level also rests on its use directly for cooking or conversion into electricity. The present study assessed the economic potential for a 9000 m3 biogas plant, as an alternative to addressing energy and environmental challenges currently in Ghana. A cost-benefit analysis of the installation of biogas plant at University of Ghana (Legon Sewerage Treatment Plant) yielded positive net present values (NPV) at the prevailing discount rate of 23%. Further the results demonstrate that installation of the plant is capital intensive. Biogas used for cooking was by far the most viable option with a payback period (PBP) of 5 years. Sensitivity analysis also revealed cost of capital, plant and machinery as the most effective factors impacting on NPV and internal rate of return (IRR).

16 Hosen, Y. 2016. Development of agricultural technologies in the Mekong Delta to respond to climate change. Ibaraki, Japan: Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences. 105p. (JIRCAS Working Report 84)
Climate change ; Agricultural development ; Technological changes ; Rice ; Deltas ; Wet cultivation ; Dry farming ; Methane emission ; Emission reduction ; Carbon dioxide ; Carbon credits ; Biogas ; Greenhouse gases ; Households ; Feeding habits ; Grazing ; Flooding ; Environmental effects ; Water conservation ; Livestock ; Cattle ; Ruminants ; Nutrients ; Carbohydrases ; Tannins ; Fish culture ; Economic aspects ; Evapotranspiration / Southeast Asia / Vietnam / Mekong Delta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 630 G784 HOS Record No: H047936)

17 Lwiza, F.; Mugisha, J.; Walekhwa, P. N.; Smith, J.; Balana, Bedru. 2017. Dis-adoption of household biogas technologies in Central Uganda. Energy for Sustainable Development, 37:124-132. [doi:]
Households ; Biogas ; Digesters ; Livestock production ; Cattle ; Swine ; Renewable energy ; Energy generation ; Fuelwood ; Food wastes ; Cooking ; State intervention ; Nongovernmental organizations / Uganda / Luwero District / Mpigi District
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048082)
The study analyses dis-adoption of biogas technologies in Central Uganda. Biogas technology makes use of livestock waste, crop material and food waste to produce a flammable gas that can be used for cooking and lighting. Use of biogas technology has multiple benefits for the households since it reduces the need for fuelwood for cooking and also produces bio-slurry which is a valuable fertilizer. Despite efforts by Government and Non-Governmental Organizations to promote the biogas technology, the rate of its adoption of biogas technology was found to be low, estimated at 25.8% of its potential. A review of literature showed that the households that dis-adopted biogas technology, did so within a period of 4 years after its installation, yet the lifespan of using it is estimated at 25 years. There was need to examine the factors contributing to dis-adoption. Using cross sectional data collected from Luwero and Mpigi districts found in Central Uganda, a probit model was estimated. The findings showed that an increase in the family size, the number of cattle, number of pigs and the age of the household head reduced the likelihood of biogas technology dis-adoption. Other factors that contributed to dis-adoption included the failure to sustain cattle and pig production that are necessary for feedstock supply, reduced availability of family labor the and inability of the households to repair biogas digesters after malfunctioning. Based on the findings, it was concluded that long term use of biogas technology required improved management practices on the farm so as to sustain livestock production. It is also recommended that quality standards and socio-cultural factors be considered in the design of biogas digesters and end use devices.

18 Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Krishna Rao. 2017. Waste-to-Energy Business Models: Insights from a compendium of business models. Urban Agriculture Magazine, 32:8-10.
Business management ; Models ; Developing countries ; Waste management ; Energy generation ; Cost recovery ; Resource recovery ; Biogas
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048414)
Recovering energy, nutrients and water from domestic and agro-waste streams is gaining momentum as a new agenda for promoting sustainable development in developing countries as waste management strategies shift focus from a disposal-oriented approach to a business-oriented approach. The latter approach emphasises value creation and revenue generation (Murray and Buckley, 2010). As most cities in developing countries struggle with the challenge of energy security, recovering energy from different waste streams offers dual benefits – improved waste management and provision of reliable energy to households, institutions and commercial entities.

19 Behling, I.; Bonifazi, E.; de Boer, F. 2017. Workbook for estimating operational GHG [Greenhouse Gas] emissions. Version 11. London, UK: UK Water Industry Research Limited (UKWIR). 17p. + CD. (UKWIR Report Ref. No. 17/CL/01/25)
Greenhouse gases ; Industrial emission ; Estimation ; Environmental factors ; Energy generation ; Electricity generation ; Wastewater ; Natural gas ; Biogas ; Carbon credits ; Market research ; Guidelines / UK
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.73874 G000 BEH Record No: H048497)
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20 Otoo, Miriam; Drechsel, Pay. (Eds.) 2018. Resource recovery from waste: business models for energy, nutrient and water reuse in low- and middle-income countries. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. 816p.
Resource recovery ; Waste management ; Business management ; Models ; Energy management ; Energy generation ; Renewable energy ; Nutrients ; Water reuse ; Low income areas ; Economic aspects ; Sanitation ; agricultural wastes ; Livestock wastes ; Organic wastes ; Organic fertilizers ; Organic matter ; Solid wastes ; Solid fuels ; Urban wastes ; Agricultural waste management ; Briquettes ; Biogas ; Faecal sludge ; Kitchen waste ; Food wastes ; Local communities ; Sustainability ; Industrial wastes ; Municipal authorities ; Abattoirs ; Ethanol ; Sugar industry ; Agroindustry ; Composting ; Cost recovery ; Public-private cooperation ; Partnerships ; Subsidies ; Carbon credits ; Excreta ; Urine ; Wastewater treatment ; Wastewater irrigation ; Forestry ; Aquaculture ; Farmers ; Fruits ; Wood production ; Financing ; Supply chain ; Fish feeding ; Risk management ; Private sector ; Private investment ; Freshwater ; Deltas ; Aquifers ; Groundwater recharge ; Downstream / Uganda / Rwanda / India / Kenya / Peru / Brazil / Mexico / Kenya / Thailand / Burkina Faso / Venezuela / Sri Lanka / Egypt / Bangladesh / Tunisia / Morocco / Ghana / Jordan / Iran / Spain / Kampala / Kigali / Sulabh / Nairobi / Santa Rosillo / Koppal / Bihar / Pune / Maharashtra / Mumias / Bangkok / Carabobo / Veracruz / Balangoda / Okhla / Bangalore / Ouagadougou / Mashhad Plain / Llobregat Delta / Tula Aquifer
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H048622)
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