Your search found 1 records
1 Zhu, A. X.; Miire, A, C,; Smith, M. P.; Liu, J.; Burt, J. E.; Qi, F.; Simonson, D.; Hempel, J.; Lubich, K. 2004. Advances in information technology for soil surveys: The SoLIM effort. In Eswaran, H.; Vijarnsorn, P.; Vearasilp, T.; Padmanabhan, E. (Eds.). Innovative techniques in soil survey: Developing the foundation for a new generation of soil resource inventories and their utilization. Bangkok, Thailand: Land Development Department. pp.25-42.
Soil surveys ; GIS ; Models / USA / Wisconsin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.4 G000 ESW Record No: H037546)

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