Your search found 2 records
1 Shahalam, A.; Abu Zahra, B.; Jaradat, A.. 1998. Wastewater irrigation effects on soil, crop and environment: A pilot scale study at Irbid, Jordan. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 106:425-445.
Wastewater ; Water quality ; Irrigation water ; Irrigation effects ; Soil properties ; Soil salinity ; Sodic soils ; Crop yield ; Vegetables ; Tomatoes ; Environmental effects ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Water requirements ; Fertilizers ; Experiments / Jordan / Irbid
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5206 Record No: H024698)

2 Taha, F. K.; Ismail, S.; Jaradat, A.. (Eds.) 2004. Prospects of saline agriculture in the Arabian Peninsula: Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Prospects of Saline Agriculture in the GCC Countries” Amherst, MA, USA: Amherst Scientific Publishers. viii, 576p.
Salinity ; Irrigation management ; Sustainable agriculture ; Water quality ; Land use ; Soil salinity ; Mapping ; Mangroves ; Wheat ; Water scarcity ; Groundwater ; Crop production ; Soil degradation ; Water pollution ; Models ; Institutions ; Financing / Arab Countries / Central Asia / West Asia / North Africa / UAE / Bahrain / Iran / Kuwait / Egypt / Saudi Arabia / Jordan / Pakistan / Oman
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.5 GG10 TAH Record No: H035622)

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