Your search found 2 records
1 Vidal, M.; Lòpez, A.; Santoalla, M. C.; Valles, V.. 2000. Factor analysis for the study of water resources contamination due to the use of livestock slurries as fertilizer. Agricultural Water Management, 45(1):1-15.
Water quality ; Wells ; Water resources ; Water pollution ; Pastures ; Drainage ; Livestock ; Fertilizers ; Rivers ; Rain ; Precipitation ; Salinity / Spain / Lugo / Galicia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H026106)

2 Barbiero, L.; Valles, V.; Regeard, A.; Cheverry, C. 2001. Residual alkalinity as tracer to estimate the changes induced by forage cultivation in a non-saline irrigated sodic soil. Agricultural Water Management, 50(3):229-241.
Alkalinity ; Sodic soils ; Soil properties ; Monitoring ; Fodder ; Leaching ; Precipitation ; Mathematical models / West Africa / Nigeria / Sahel / Lossa / Niger River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H028775)

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