Your search found 3 records
1 Bell, R. W.; Schofield, N. J.; Loh, I. C.; Bari, M. A.. 1990. Groundwater response to reforestation in the Darling Range of Western Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 115:297-317.
River basins ; Groundwater ; Afforestation ; Pastures ; Salinity ; Water table ; Catchment areas / Australia / Murray Darling Basin / Flynn's Farm / Stene's Farm
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5770 Record No: H028576)

2 Bari, M. A.; Schofield, N. J. 1992. Lowering of a shallow, saline water table by extensive eucalypt reforestation. Journal of Hydrology, 133:273-291.
Water table ; Salinity ; Afforestation ; Eucalyptus ; Rain ; Groundwater ; Soil salinity ; Monitoring ; Water balance / Australia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5772 Record No: H028577)

3 Schofield, N. J.; Bari, M. A.. 1991. Valley reforestation to lower saline groundwater tables: Results from Stene's Farm, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 29(5):635-650.
Afforestation ; Eucalyptus ; Salinity control ; Groundwater ; Water table ; Catchment areas ; Experiments / Australia / Western Australia / Wellington Dam / Collie River / Stene's Farm / Bingham River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5811 Record No: H028628)

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