Your search found 1 records
1 World Resources Institute; UNDP; UNEP; World Bank. 2000. World resources 2000-2001: People and ecosystems: The fraying web of life. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science. ix, 389p.
Ecosystems ; Wetlands ; Mountains ; Forests ; Watersheds ; Filtration ; Environmental degradation ; Pollution ; Poverty ; Water quality ; Soil degradation ; Mangroves ; Water resources ; Livestock ; Agriculture ; Social aspects ; Villages ; Water law ; Equity ; Pastures / Kenya / Indonesia / Cuba / USA / Africa / South Africa / South East Asia / Mongolia / Philippines / India / South Florida / New York / Mekong River / Bolinao / Dhani Forest
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.7 G000 WOR Record No: H027971)

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