Your search found 1 records
1 MacLean, R. T.; Ganesh, J.; Roth, D. 2000. Intensive flow measurement of an irrigated block to benchmark irrigation district operations. In Davids, G. G.; Anderson, S. S. (Eds.), Benchmarking irrigation system performance using water measurement and water balances: Proceedings from the 1999 USCID Water Management Conference, San Luis Obispo, California, March 10-13, 1999. Denver, CO, USA: USCID. pp.85-98.
Flow measurement ; Water balance ; Water demand ; Water delivery ; Water requirements ; Irrigation canals ; Flow control ; Models ; Recycling ; Water reuse ; Drainage ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Surface irrigation ; Flood irrigation / Canada / Alberta / Saskatchewan River Basin / Biw River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G000 DAV Record No: H027947)

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