Your search found 15 records
1 Pradhan, R.; Haq K. A.; Pradhan, U. 1997. Law, rights and equity: Implications of state intervention in farmer managed irrigation systems. In Pradhan, R.; von Benda-Beckmann, F.; von Benda-Beckmann, K.; Spiertz, H. L. J. ; Khadka, S. S.; Haq, K. A. (Eds.) Water rights, conflict and policy: Proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, January 22-24, 1996. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.111-134.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Agriculture ; Irrigation systems ; Equity ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer-led irrigation ; Legal aspects / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H020129)
(0.58 MB)

2 Durga, K. C.; Pradhan, R.. 1997. Improvement and enlargement of a farmer managed irrigation system in Tanahu: Changing rights to water and conflict resolution. In Pradhan, R.; von Benda-Beckmann, F.; von Benda-Beckmann, K.; Spiertz, H. L. J. ; Khadka, S. S.; Haq, K. A. (Eds.) Water rights, conflict and policy: Proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, January 22-24, 1996. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.135-156.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Water rights ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Operations ; Conflict ; Legal aspects / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H020130)
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3 Pradhan, M. C.; Pradhan, R.. 1997. Disputing, negotiating and accommodating as means to acquire and protect water rights: A case study of conflicts in Dang. In Pradhan, R.; von Benda-Beckmann, F.; von Benda-Beckmann, K.; Spiertz, H. L. J. ; Khadka, S. S.; Haq, K. A. (Eds.) Water rights, conflict and policy: Proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, January 22-24, 1996. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.157-172.
Water rights ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigation ; Crops ; Case studies / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H020131)
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4 Pradhan, R.; van Benda-Beckmann, F.; van Benda-Beckmann, K. (Eds.) 2000. Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal; Wageningen, Netherlands; Rotterdam, Netherlands: Legal Research and Development Forum (FREEDEAL); Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU); Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) x, 278p.
Water rights ; Water law ; Gender ; History ; Land management ; Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Water use ; Water resource management ; Villages ; Political aspects ; Labor ; Social aspects ; Woman's status ; Households ; Conflict ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Irrigation water ; Water user associations ; Decision making ; Land tenure ; Land ownership ; Irrigation canals ; Canal construction ; Maintenance ; Legislation ; River basins ; Crop production / Nepal / Bhamke Khola Basin / Ilam / Thulo Sangrumba / Shakhejung / Hile Khola Kulo Irrigation System / Thulotar Kulo / Rupakot Village / Rajapur / Bhimapur
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H026716)
Proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, 18-20 March 1998.

5 Pradhan, R.. 2000. Land and water rights in Nepal (1854-1992) In Pradhan, R.; van Benda-Beckmann, F.; van Benda-Beckmann, K. (Eds.), Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal; Wageningen, Netherlands; Rotterdam, Netherlands: Legal Research and Development Forum (FREEDEAL); Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU); Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) pp.39-70.
Water rights ; Land ownership ; Irrigation water ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Irrigation canals ; Maintenance ; Legislation / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H026718)

6 Adhikari, M.; Pradhan, R.. 2000. Water rights, law and authority: Changing water rights in the Bhamke Khola Basin. In Pradhan, R.; van Benda-Beckmann, F.; van Benda-Beckmann, K. (Eds.), Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal; Wageningen, Netherlands; Rotterdam, Netherlands: Legal Research and Development Forum (FREEDEAL); Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU); Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) pp.71-99.
Water rights ; Land ownership ; Land tenure ; River basins ; Decision making ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigated farming ; Legislation ; Villages ; Rural development ; Institutions ; Social aspects ; Farmers' attitudes / Nepal / Bhamke Khola Basin / Dang
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H026719)

7 Sodemba, I. K.; Pradhan, R.. 2000. Land and water rights in Thulo Sangrumba, Ilam. In Pradhan, R.; van Benda-Beckmann, F.; van Benda-Beckmann, K. (Eds.), Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal; Wageningen, Netherlands; Rotterdam, Netherlands: Legal Research and Development Forum (FREEDEAL); Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU); Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) pp.101-128.
Water rights ; Irrigation water ; Land ownership ; History ; Irrigation canals ; Conflict / Nepal / Ilam / Thulo Sangrumba
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H026720)

8 Pradhan, R.; Pradhan, U. 2000. Negotiating access and rights: Disputes over rights to an irrigation water source in Nepal. In Bruns, B. R.; Meinzen-Dick, R. S. (Eds.), Negotiating water rights. London, UK: Intermediate Technology Publications. pp.200-221.
Water rights ; Irrigation water ; Legal aspects ; Conflict ; Farmers' attitudes ; Villages / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G000 BRU Record No: H026802)

9 Pradhan, R.. 2000. Water rights in Nepal. Chapters I-VI. Unpublished report. xvii, 209p.
Water rights ; Water resource management ; Irrigation management ; Water use ; Conflict ; Legal aspects ; Water law ; History ; Water policy ; Hydroelectric schemes ; Water supply ; Sanitation ; Forests ; Institutions ; Irrigation canals ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Water user associations ; Water distribution ; Maintenance / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5704 Record No: H027823)

10 Pradhan, R.. 2000. Water rights in Nepal. Chapters VII-VIII. Unpublished report. pp.210-361.
Water rights ; Case studies ; Irrigation canals ; Water user associations ; Decision making ; Water allocation ; Water delivery ; Water distribution ; Irrigation systems ; Water resource management ; Maintenance ; Labor ; Crops ; Rice ; Irrigation scheduling ; Conflict ; Farmers ; Social aspects ; Villages / Nepal / Sindhupalchowk / Dang / Satrasay Phant / Yampa Phant / Satrasay Phant Kulo
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5705 Record No: H027824)

11 Meinzen-Dick, R. S.; Pradhan, R.. 2002. Legal pluralism in natural resources management: implications for water rights. In Gonzalez, F. J.; Salman, S. M. A. (Eds.). Institutional reform for irrigation and drainage: proceedings of a World Bank workshop, [Reform for Irrigation and Drainage, Washington, DC, USA, 11 December 2000]. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank. pp.83-99.
Water rights ; Irrigation water ; Domestic water ; Natural resources ; Resource management ; Legal aspects ; Ecology ; Social aspects
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G000 GON Record No: H031547)

12 Meinzen-Dick, R.; Pradhan, R.. 2005. Recognizing multiple water uses in intersectoral water transfers. In Shivakoti, G. P.; Vermillion, D. L.; Lam, W. F.; Ostrom, E.; Pradhan, U.; Yoder, R. ( Eds.). Asian irrigation in transition: responding to challenges. New Delhi, India: Sage. pp.178-205.
Water transfer ; Water rights ; Legal aspects / Asia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G570 SHI Record No: H038055)

13 Pradhan, R.; von Benda-Beckmann, F; von Benda-Beckmann, K.; Spiertz, H. L. J.; Khadka, S. S.; Haq, K. A. (Eds.) 1997. Water rights, conflict and policy: proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, 22-24 January 1996. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). xiv, 250p.
Irrigation ; Irrigation management ; Water rights ; Water law ; Conflict ; Farmers associations / Nepal / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H020123)
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14 Pradhan, R.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Theis, S. 2019. Property rights, intersectionality, and women's empowerment in Nepal. Journal of Rural Studies, 70:26-35. [doi:]
Property rights ; Gender ; Role of women ; Empowerment ; Households ; Personal property ; Social aspects ; Customary law ; Ethnic groups ; Norms ; Living standards ; Life cycle / Nepal
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049400)
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Property is widely recognized as an important resource for empowering women. Many development policies worldwide therefore call for strengthening women's rights to property, especially to physical assets such as land and livestock. However, the relationship between property and women's empowerment is more complex than generally assumed because of the overlapping and dynamic nature of property rights. In this paper, we explore how property rights affect the empowerment of women at different stages of the life cycle and different social locations, ethnicities, household structures, and social classes, using the lens of intersectionality. Drawing on ethnographic research conducted for the “Evaluation of the Welfare Impacts of a Livestock Transfer Program in Nepal,” we examine patterns in women's strategies to exercise specific rights over joint and personal property within their households. The findings show that legal categories of property rights in Nepal fail to account for nuanced rights to assets shared within households. Rather than emphasize individual control over assets for women's empowerment, the social relations around property need to be considered to understand which rights women value. The paper makes recommendations for how research and development projects, especially in South Asia, can avoid misinterpreting asset and empowerment data by incorporating nuance around the concepts of property rights over the life cycle.

15 Magotra, B.; Prakash, V.; Saharia, M.; Getirana, A.; Kumar, S.; Pradhan, R.; Dhanya, C. T.; Rajagopalan, B.; Singh, R. P.; Pandey, A.; Mohapatra, M. 2024. Towards an Indian land data assimilation system (ILDAS): a coupled hydrologic-hydraulic system for water balance assessments. Journal of Hydrology, 629:130604. [doi:]
Water balance ; Assessment ; Stream flow ; Water resources ; Models ; Precipitation ; Evapotranspiration ; Soil moisture ; Water storage ; Uncertainty ; Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer / South Asia / Indian / Rajasthan
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052546)
(18.30 MB)
Effective management of water resources requires reliable estimates of land surface states and fluxes, including water balance components. But most land surface models run in uncoupled mode and do not produce river discharge at catchment scales to be useful for water resources management applications. Such integrated systems are also rare over India where hydrometeorological extremes have wreaked havoc on the economy and people. So, an Indian Land Data Assimilation System (ILDAS) with a coupled land surface and a hydrodynamic model has been developed and driven by multiple meteorological forcings (0.1°, daily) to estimate land surface states, channel discharge, and floodplain inundation. ILDAS benefits from an integrated framework as well as the largest suite of observation records collected over India and has been used to produce a reanalysis product for 1981–2021 using four forcing datasets, namely, Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2), Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), ECMWF’s ERA-5, and Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded precipitation. We assessed the uncertainty and bias in these precipitation datasets and validated all major components of the terrestrial water balance, i.e., surface runoff, soil moisture, terrestrial water storage anomalies, evapotranspiration, and streamflow, against a combination of satellite and in situ observation datasets. Our assessment shows that ILDAS can represent the hydrological processes reasonably well over the Indian landmass with IMD precipitation showing the best relative performance. Evaluation against ESA-CCI soil moisture shows that MERRA-2 based estimates outperform the others, whereas ERA-5 performs best in simulating evapotranspiration when evaluated against MODIS ET. Evaluations against observed records show that CHIRPS-based estimates have the highest performance in reconstructing surface runoff and streamflow. Once operational, this system will be useful for supporting transboundary water management decision making in the region.

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