Your search found 13 records
1 Gilot, L.; Calvez, R.; Le Goulven, P.; Ruf, T. 1997. Evaluating water delivery in tertiary units - Part 2: A case study, Urcuqui, a farmer-managed irrigation system in the Andes. Agricultural Water Management, 32(2):163-179.
Water delivery ; Evaluation ; Water distribution ; Case studies ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Water rights ; Water loss ; Water deficit ; Irrigation practices ; Simulation models / Ecuador / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H020439)

2 Boelens, R.; Apollin, F. 1999. Irrigation in the Andean community: a social construction. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 44p. + Video.
Irrigation programs ; Planning ; Social participation ; Farmer participation ; Communication ; Training ; Water distribution ; Networks ; Irrigation canals ; Water rights ; Gender ; Women in development ; Infrastructure ; Investment ; Water users ; Organizational development ; Rural development / Ecuador / Andes / Licto / San Blas / Urcuqui / Caciques
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H024844)

3 Boelens, R.; Appollin, F. 1996. L'irrigation dans la communaute Andine: a une construction sociale. [Irrigation in the Andean community: a social construction]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). vi, 48p.
Irrigation programs ; Planning ; Social participation ; Farmer participation ; Communication ; Training ; Water distribution ; Networks ; Irrigation canals ; Water rights ; Gender ; Women in development ; Infrastructure ; Investment ; Water users ; Organizational development ; Rural development / Ecuador / Andes / Licto / San Blas / Urcuqui / Caciques
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.3 G520 BOE Record No: H026121)
(2.69 MB) (2.69 MB)

4 Ruf, T. 1995. Cinq siécles de conflits sur l'eau dans les Andes Équatoriennes: Fondations de réseaux et partage de l'eau à Urcuquí. In Les sciences hors d'Occident au XXe Siècle. pp.195-221.
Hydraulics ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution ; Villages ; Water use ; Irrigated farming ; Conflict ; History / Ecuador / Andes / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5598 Record No: H027395)

5 Ruf, T. 1992. Aménagements hydroagricoles anciens. In Systèmes irrigués, CIRAD-SAR, Montpellier, 2 septembre 1992. pp.7-13.
Water management ; Social organization ; Hydraulics / Egypt / Peru / Andes / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5599 Record No: H027396)

6 Ruf, T. 1997. Apport de l'approche de la "gestion sociale de l'eau" Paper presented at Séminaire "Systèmes de références en irrigation," Montpellier, 23-24 octobre 1997. 7p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Water management ; Social aspects / Africa / Egypt / Peru / Andes / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5600 Record No: H027397)

7 Ruf, T. 1994. Privatisation de l'eau dans l'agriculture: Les nouveaux maitres. Courrier de la Planete, 24:32-33.
Irrigation canals ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Rehabilitation / Ecuador / Andes / Urcuqui / Canal de Caciques
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5602 Record No: H027399)

8 Ruf, T. 1994. Dynamiques de l'utilisation de l'eau dans l'agriculture Andine: La gestion ancienne et actuelle des ressources hydriques à Urcuquí (nord de l'Équateur) [Water use dynamics in the Andean agriculture: The old and the present water-management in Urcuquf (Northern Ecuador)]. Paper presented at the Colloque Resherche Pour une Agriculture Tropicale Viable a Long Terme. Organisé par L'Académie d'Agriculture de France et L'Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Développement en
Coopération. Dans le cadre du Cinquantenaire de L'ORSTOM, Paris, 19 Octobre 1994, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Amphithéâtre
Poincarré. 15p.
Irrigated farming ; Irrigation practices ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigation systems ; Water rights ; Farmers ; History ; Climate ; Sugarcane ; Cotton ; Maize ; Beans ; Water user associations ; Economic aspects / Ecuador / Andes / Urcuqui / Mira River Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5605 Record No: H027402)

9 Ruf, T.; Le Goulven, P.; Calvez, R.; Gilot, L. 1994. Représentations de systèmes d'irrigation sur un versant des Andes Equatoriennes: La région d'Urcuquí. Les Cabiers de la Recherche Developpement, 38:5-19.
Irrigation systems ; Irrigation management ; History / Ecuador / Andes / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5610 Record No: H027407)

10 Ruf, T. 1993. Représentations de systèmes d'irrigation sur un versant des Andes Equatoriennes: La région d'Urcuquí. La Gestion Sociale de l'Eau, 2:5-23.
Irrigation systems ; Planning ; Mountains ; Irrigated farming ; Irrigation canals / Ecuador / Andes / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5617 Record No: H027414)

11 Ruf, T. 1994. Five centuries of conflicts on the water in Ecuadorean Andes: Systems and division foundations of the water to Urcuqui. Paper presented at the Conference ORSTOM-UNESCO, Sciences Out Occident to the 20th century, Paris, Unesco, 19-23 September 1994. Second session - Currents and controversies, the mutation of paradigmes. Workshop 2.3-2.4 Natural Sciences to Sciences of the Environment. 33p.
Water resource management ; Irrigation management ; Irrigation canals ; History ; Villages ; Water rights ; Natural disasters ; Reservoirs ; Gates ; Water distribution ; Peasant workers ; Farmers' associations ; Conflict ; Water user associations / Ecuador / Andes / Urcuqui / Canal Great of Caciques
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5699 Record No: H027818)

12 Boelens, R.; Hoogendam, P. (Eds.) 2002. Water rights and empowerment. Assen, Netherlands: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. xii, 255p.
Water rights ; Communal irrigation systems ; Rehabilitation ; Water user associations ; Gender ; Water control ; Watersheds ; Irrigation programs ; Small scale systems ; Peasant workers / Bolivia / Chile / Ecuador / Andes / Oruro / Urcuqui / Ceceles
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: 631.7.3 G000 BOE Record No: H030118)
"Water rights" are the backbone of watermanagement principles and strategies in peasant and indigenous systems. These rights define their access to water and to the decision making arena, and specify their obligations regarding system maintenance and organisational roles and responsabilities. Fundamentally a water right is a sopcial relationship and an expression of power. Water management practices in the Andes show that unequal power and inequalities in the prevailing normative systems prevent successful collective co-operation. At the same time they show that the struggle for access to water, under collective control, may result in greater equity in its distribution and strengthen the position of less powerful stakeholders.
The authors of this book use these insights to integrate and elaborate analytical concepts that make it possible to better understand the relationship among "water rights", "collective action" and "empowerment"- to understand the local contents of water rights, how they are acquired, the dynamics of their production and reproduction, and the strategic uses of water rights in social action.

13 Apollin, F. 2002. Re-negotiation of water rights in the ancient irrigation system of Urcuqui, Ecuador. In Boelens, R.; Hoogendam, P. (Eds.), Water rights and empowerment. Assen, Netherlands: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. pp.202-216.
Water rights ; Irrigation systems ; Small scale systems ; Irrigation scheduling ; Water distribution / Ecuador / Urcuqui
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G000 BOE Record No: H030127)

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