Your search found 23 records
1 Gulati, A.; Sharma, A. N. 1992. Subsidising agriculture: A cross country view. Economic and Political Weekly, Sept.:106-116.
Agricultural development ; Agricultural economics / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 2520 Record No: H011723)

2 Gulati, A.. 1993. Development cost of irrigation in India (through major and medium schemes) In Tyagi, N. K.; Kamra, S. K.; Minhas, P. S.; Singh, N. T. (Eds.), Irrigation in saline environment: Key management issues - Proceedings Scientific Meeting-cum-Workshop on 'Sustainable Irrigation in Saline Environment', Karnal, India, 17-19 February 1993. pp.67-84.
Irrigation programs ; Development projects ; Costs / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.2 G635 TYA Record No: H012794)

3 Gulati, A.; Svendsen, M.; Choudhury, N. R. 1994. Institutional reforms for better cost recovery in Indian irrigation. Paper prepared for IFPRI/ICAR Workshop on Agricultural Growth in India, New Delhi, India, 1-6 May 1994. 28p.
Cost recovery ; Institution building ; Irrigation management ; Farmer participation / India / Philippines / Korea Republic / USA / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G635 GUL Record No: H014338)

4 Gulati, A,; Svendsen, M.; Choudhury, N. R. 1994. Operation and maintenance costs of canal irrigation and their recovery in India. Paper prepared for IFPRI/ICAR Workshop on Agricultural Growth in India, New Delhi, India, 1-6 May 1994. 30p.
Irrigation canals ; Irrigation operation ; Maintenance ; Cost recovery ; Policy / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G635 GUL Record No: H014372)

5 Gulati, A.; Svendsen, M.; Choudhury, N. R. 1994. Major and medium irrigation schemes: Towards better financial performance. Economic and Political Weekly, June 25:A72-A79.
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation management ; Financing ; Cost recovery ; Performance ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation efficiency / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G635 GUL Record No: H014774)
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6 Gulati, A.; Svendsen, M. 1994. Towards financial autonomy of the irrigation sector: For better cost recovery and management (lessons from selected countries and selected states of India) In IIMI; Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering. International Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer, Wuhan, China, 20-24 September 1994. Draft conference papers. Vol.1. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI); Wuhan, China: Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering. pp.70-79.
Cost recovery ; Institution building ; Irrigation management ; Farmer participation / India / Philippines / China / Korea Republic / USA / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 IIM Record No: H015417)

7 Svendsen, M.; Gulati, A.. (Eds.) 1995. Strategic change in Indian irrigation. New Delhi, India: Rajiv Beri for Macmillan India Limited. xxiv, 368p.
Agricultural policy ; Irrigation programs ; Operations ; Maintenance costs ; Irrigation canals ; Cost recovery ; Irrigation management ; Conjunctive use ; Wells ; Tank irrigation ; Drought ; Water scarcity ; Large-scale systems ; Investment ; Irrigation effects ; Soil salinity ; Waterlogging ; Salinity control ; Case studies ; Institutional development / India / Tamil Nadu / Bihar / Sone Irrigation System / Gujarat
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G635 SVE Record No: H026374)

8 Svendsen, M.; Gulati, A.. 1995. A research-based vision of the future. In Svendsen, M.; Gulati, A. (Eds.), Strategic change in Indian irrigation. New Delhi, India: Rajiv Beri for Macmillan India Limited. pp.3-13.
Irrigation management ; Public investment ; Private investment ; Irrigation canals ; Conflict ; Water rights ; Salinity ; Farmer participation / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G635 SVE Record No: H026375)

9 Gulati, A.; Svendsen, M.; Choudhury, N. R. 1995. Capital costs of major and medium irrigation schemes in India. In Svendsen, M.; Gulati, A. (Eds.), Strategic change in Indian irrigation. New Delhi, India: Rajiv Beri for Macmillan India Limited. pp.37-72.
Irrigation programs ; Costs ; Estimation / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G635 SVE Record No: H026377)

10 Meinzen-Dick, R.; Raju, K. V.; Gulati, A.. 2000. Conditions for collective action in canal irrigation systems. In Joshi, L. K.; Hooja, R. (Eds.), Participatory irrigation management: Paradigm for the 21st century - Volume 1. Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications. pp.115-143.
Irrigation canals ; Irrigation management ; Farmer participation ; Policy ; Water scarcity ; Rain ; Water availability ; Collective action ; Farmers' associations ; Water user associations ; Leadership ; Maintenance / India / Rajasthan / Karnataka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G635 JOS Record No: H026736)

11 Raju, K. V.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Gulati, A.. 2000. Policy trends in participatory irrigation management in India. In Joshi, L. K.; Hooja, R. (Eds.), Participatory irrigation management: Paradigm for the 21st century - Volume 1. Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications. pp.172-213.
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Farmer participation ; Policy ; Water user associations ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Institutional development ; Legislation ; Privatization ; Water rights ; Water rates ; Decentralization / India / Andhra Pradesh / Karnataka / Rajasthan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G635 JOS Record No: H026738)

12 Gulati, A.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Raju, K. V. 1999. National workshop on - From Top Down to Bottoms Up: Institutional reforms in Indian canal irrigation. Preliminary draft on a collaborative study of IEG-NCAER-ISEC-IFPRI, held at Institute of Economic Growth, University Enclave, Delhi, India, on 28 January 1999. v.p.
Irrigation canals ; Water scarcity ; River basins ; Operating costs ; Maintenance costs ; Cost recovery ; Water rates ; Financing ; Participatory management ; Policy ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Farmer participation ; Water user associations ; Water rights ; Water supply ; Leadership ; Farmers' associations ; Water allocation ; Private sector / India / Andhra Pradesh / Rajasthan / Karnataka / Indira Gandhi Nahar Project / Krishnarajasagar / Chambal / Krishnaraja Sagar Project / Upper Krishna Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5897 Record No: H029015)

13 Gulati, A.; Narayanan, S. 2003. The subsidy syndrome in Indian agriculture. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press (OUP) xxii, 297p.
Agricultural economics ; Fertilizers ; Irrigation water ; Water use ; Public investment ; Water user associations ; Price policy / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.1 G635 GUL Record No: H033585)

14 Gulati, A.; Narayanan, S. 2002. Subsidies and reforms in Indian irrigation. In Brennan, D. (Ed.), Water policy reform: Lessons from Asia and Australia – Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, 8-9 June 2001. Canberra, Australia: ACIAR. pp.131-148.
Irrigation management ; Economic aspects ; Water use ; Investment ; Pricing / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G570 BRE Record No: H034515)

15 Joshi, P. K.; Gulati, A.; Birthal, P. S.; Tewari, L. 2004. Agriculture diversification in South Asia: Patterns, determinants and policy implications. Economic and Political Weekly, 39(24):2457-2467.
Agricultural economics ; Agricultural production ; Crops ; Diversification ; Mapping ; Livestock ; Fisheries ; Food security ; Agricultural policy / South Asia / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 6981 Record No: H035229)

16 Landes, R.; Gulati, A.. 2004. Farm sector performance and reform agenda. Economic and Political Weekly, 39(32):3611-3619.
Agricultural policy ; Income ; Price policy ; Trade policy ; Marketing policy / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7052 Record No: H035720)

17 Gulati, A.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Raju, K. V. 2005. Institutional reforms in Indian irrigation. New Delhi, India: Sage. 322p.
Irrigation management ; Economic aspects ; Irrigation programs ; Costs ; Cost recovery ; Financing ; Institutional development ; Farmer participation ; Participatory management ; Water user associations ; Legal aspects ; Water rights ; Irrigation canals ; Surface irrigation ; Water scarcity ; Water use efficiency ; Water allocation ; Conflict ; Collective action ; Maintenance / India / Karnataka / Rajasthan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G635 GUL Record No: H036587)

18 Meinzen-Dick, R.; Raju, K. V.; Gulati, A.. 2002. What affects organization and collective action for managing resources?: evidence from canal irrigation systems in India. World Development, 30(4):649-666.
Irrigation canals ; Irrigation management ; Collective action ; Farmer participation ; Farmers’ associations / India / Rajasthan / Karnataka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7389 Record No: H037358)

19 Gulati, A.; Fan, S. (Eds.) 2007. The dragon and the elephant: agricultural and rural reforms in China and India. Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI. 548p.
Agriculture ; Rural development ; Land reform ; Land tenure ; Public health ; Poverty ; Public investment ; Agricultural research ; Trade liberalization ; Marketing / China / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 338.18 G570 GUL Record No: H040826)

20 Rashid, S.; Gulati, A.; Cummings, R. 2008. From parastatals to private trade: lessons from Asian agriculture. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press for International Food Policy Research Institute. 253p.
Agricultural economics ; Marketing ; Food policy ; Price policy ; Cereals ; Wheat ; Rice ; Case studies ; Food security / Asia / India / Bangladesh / Indonesia / Philippines / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 338.1 G570 RAS Record No: H041417)

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