Your search found 1 records
1 House, S.; Reed, B.. 1997. Rapid assessment of emergency water sources. In Pickford, J.; House, S.; Miles, D.; Ockelford, J.; Parr, J.; Saywell, D.; Shaw, R.; Skinner, B.; Smout, I.; Stear, R. (Eds.), Reaching the unreached - Challenges for the 21st century: Selected papers of the 22nd WEDC International Conference, New Delhi, India, 1996. London, UK; Leicestershire, UK: IT Publications; WEDC. pp.185-188.
Water resources ; Assessment ; Water supply ; Social aspects ; Living conditions ; Water quality ; Water use / Zaire
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 628.1 G000 PIC Record No: H025830)

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