Your search found 1 records
1 Ikramov, R. K.; Jakubov, H. I.; Gaipnazarov, N. A. 1999. Operational efficiency of drainage systems in separate vast areas of Aral Sea Basin, their improvement and reconstruction. In ICID, 17th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Granada, Spain, 1999: Water for Agriculture in the Next Millennium - Transactions, Vol.1F, Q.49: Rehabilitation and Modernization of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: 49.4: Quality of construction of civil works; Q.49.5: Introduction of new technologies to farmers; Q.49: Poster papers. New Delhi, India: ICID. pp.15-27.
Irrigable land ; Drainage ; Networks ; Operations ; Efficiency / Uzbekistan / Aral Sea Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: ICID 631.7 G000 ICI Record No: H025216)

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