Your search found 6 records
1 JICA. 1996. The feasibility study on the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems in the river basins of Southern Sri Lanka - Volume I: Main report. Report prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, in response to a request from the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. v.p.
Rehabilitation ; Modernization ; Irrigation programs ; Drainage ; River basin development ; Development projects ; Development plans ; Project design ; Feasibility studies ; Crop production ; Hydrology ; Farmers' associations ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Farmer participation ; Environmental effects ; Irrigation canals ; Construction costs ; Agricultural development ; Cropping systems ; Project appraisal ; Indicators ; Economic evaluation ; Agricultural policy ; Institutions ; Organizations ; Legislation ; Development policy ; Social aspects ; Marketing ; Rice ; Vegetables ; Fertilizers ; Crop yield ; Agricultural credit ; Benefits ; Water balance ; Reservoirs ; Female labor ; Malaria ; Bananas ; Maintenance ; Training / Sri Lanka / Kalutara / Matara / Hambantota / Liyangastota / Walawe Ganga / Muruthawela / Urbokka Oya / Kirama Oya / Badagiriya / Malala Oya / Kachigala Oya / Benthara Ganga / Polwatte Ganga / Thangalu Welyaya / Kirama Oya / Gal Oya / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.7 G744 JIC Record No: H024245)

2 JICA. 1996. The feasibility study on the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems in the river basins of Southern Sri Lanka - Volume II: Appendixes-1 (Master plan study) Report prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, in response to a request from the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. v.p.
Rehabilitation ; Modernization ; Irrigation programs ; Drainage ; River basin development ; Hydrology ; Development projects ; Development plans ; Project design ; Feasibility studies ; Regional development ; Economic aspects ; Construction costs ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' associations ; Rice ; Vegetables ; Water requirements ; Soyabeans ; Livestock ; Rural development ; Poverty ; Social aspects ; Environmental effects ; Malaria ; Waterborne diseases ; Water pollution ; Woman's status ; Climate ; Rain ; Reservoirs ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution ; Water balance ; Cropping systems ; Irrigation engineering ; Agricultural development ; Institution building ; Agricultural policy ; Legislation ; Water quality ; Watersheds ; Project appraisal ; Indicators ; Economic evaluation / Sri Lanka / Kalutara / Matara / Hambantota / Liyangastota / Walawe Ganga / Muruthawela / Urbokka Oya / Kirama Oya / Badagiriya / Malala Oya / Kachigala Oya / Benthara Ganga / Polwatte Ganga / Thangalu Welyaya / Kirama Oya / Gal Oya / Uda Walawe / Gin Ganga / Nilwala Ganga
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.7 G744 JIC Record No: H024246)

3 JICA. 1996. The feasibility study on the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems in the river basins of Southern Sri Lanka - Volume III: Appendixes-2 (Feasibility study) Report prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, in response to a request from the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. v.p.
Rehabilitation ; Modernization ; Irrigation programs ; Drainage ; Irrigation canals ; River basin development ; Feasibility studies ; Construction costs ; Project appraisal ; Social aspects ; Land ownership ; Land tenure ; Women in development ; Legislation ; Agricultural economics ; Labor ; Population ; Education ; Statistics ; Rice ; Marketing ; Agricultural policy ; Agricultural development ; Cropping systems ; Farmers' associations ; Bananas ; Fertilizers / Sri Lanka / Kalutara / Matara / Hambantota / Liyangastota / Muruthawela / Urbokka Oya / Kirama Oya / Badagiriya / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.7 G744 JIC Record No: H024247)

4 JICA. 1996. The feasibility study on the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems in the river basins of Southern Sri Lanka - Volume IV: Drawings. Report prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, in response to a request from the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. 96p.
Rehabilitation ; Modernization ; Irrigation programs ; Drainage ; Irrigation canals ; River basin development ; Feasibility studies / Sri Lanka / Kalutara / Matara / Hambantota / Liyangastota / Muruthawela / Urbokka Oya / Kirama Oya / Badagiriya / Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.7 G744 JIC Record No: H024248)

5 Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka. 1995. Review report on feasibility study for Walawe Left Bank Irrigation Upgrading and Extension Project: Volume III, Annexes for development Plan 2/2, Annex VII to XIII. Unpublished report from Nippon Koei Co, Ltd. v.p.
Irrigation programs ; Water management ; Organizations ; Farmer participation ; Farmers’ organizations ; Drainage ; Development plans ; Water demand ; Water balance ; Soils ; Land use / Sri Lanka / Uda Walawe / Samanalawewa Reservoir / Udawalawe Reservoir / Mahagama Tank / Liyangastota / Ambalantota
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 6250 Record No: H031401)

6 Bandara, K. M. P. S. 2006. Assessing irrigation performance by using remote sensing. Thesis. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen University. 156p.
Remote sensing ; Satellite surveys ; Irrigated farming ; Rice ; Performance indexes ; Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Evapotranspiration ; Regression analysis / Sri Lanka / Udawalawe / Liyangastota
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: D 631.7.1 G744 BAN Record No: H038909)

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