Your search found 2 records
1 Thomas, D. B.; Biamah, E. K.; Kilewe, A. M.; Lundgren, L.; Mochoge, B. O. (Eds.) 1989. Soil and water conservation in Kenya - Proceedings of the Third National Workshop, Kabete, Nairobi, 16-19 September 1986. Nairobi, Kenya: University of Nairobi. Department of Agricultural Engineering; SIDA. x, 578p.
Soil conservation ; Water conservation ; Soil degradation ; Soil salinity ; Sodic soils ; Erosion ; Soil properties ; Runoff ; Catchment areas ; Sedimentation ; Mountains ; Natural disasters ; Rivers ; Tillage ; Afforestation ; Arid lands ; Agroforestry ; Models ; Desertification ; Infiltration ; Irrigation canals ; Water harvesting ; Crop production ; Agricultural development ; Livestock / Kenya / Uganda / Baringo District / Katiorin Catchment / Murang'a District / Laikipia / Kitui District / Marsabit District / Chemeron Catchment / Kajiado District / Narok District / Njoro River / Machakos District / Turkana / Rukiga Highlands
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.4 G140 THO Record No: H024022)

2 Mackenzie, A. F. D. 2003. Land tenure and biodiversity: An exploration in the political ecology of Murang’a District, Kenya. Human Organization, 62(3):255-266.
Land tenure ; Biodiversity ; Gender ; Political aspects ; Ecology ; Labor ; Farmers ; Common property / Kenya / Murang’a District
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H033686)

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