Your search found 1 records
1 Lonergan, S. C.; Brooks, D. B. 1994. Watershed: The role of fresh water in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ottawa, Canada: IDRC. xiii, 310p.
Watersheds ; Geography ; Hydrology ; Climate ; Water scarcity ; Water shortage ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Wastewater ; Recycling ; Water harvesting ; Desalinization ; Drip irrigation ; Water loss ; Energy ; Water rates ; Pricing ; Water use ; Water conservation ; Water quality ; Aquifers ; Water pollution ; Water distribution ; Political aspects ; International cooperation ; Water management ; Legal aspects ; River basins ; Water allocation ; Water transfer ; Conflict ; Institutions ; Non-governmental organizations / Middle East / Israel / Palestine / Jordan / West Bank / Gaza Strip / Litani River / Jordan River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G694 LON Record No: H023826)

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