Your search found 955 records
1 Naim, M. A. 1984. Crop management studies by the Egypt water use and management project. Cairo: Egypt Water Use and Management Project. vii, 41p. (EWUP technical report no.53)
Water resources ; Rehabilitation ; Irrigation efficiency ; Evaluation ; Administration ; Pest control ; Water management / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.7 G232 NAI Record No: H0103)

2 Philippines Research Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development. 1983. The Philippines recommends for irrigation water management. Vol.1: Lowland rice conditions. Los Ba¤os, Laguna, Philippines: Philippines Research Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development. xi, 120 p.
Rice ; Land classification ; Water management ; Drainage ; Cropping systems ; Evapotranspiration ; Irrigation efficiency / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.2 G732 PHI Record No: H054)

3 World Bank. 1986. Philippines appraisal for the Magat River Multipurpose Project: Stage 1. Rev. ed. 111p.
Irrigable land ; Rice ; Irrigation efficiency ; Land tenure ; Irrigated farming ; Rehabilitation ; Project appraisal / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G732 INT Record No: H0117)

4 Moris, J. R.; Thom, D. (Eds.) 1985. African irrigation overview: Interim review. Logan, Utah: Department of Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering. Utah State University. Draft manuscript. Logan, UT, USA: Department of Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering, Utah State University. 70p.
Institutional constraints ; Irrigation efficiency ; Groundwater ; Environmental effects ; Irrigation engineering ; Agronomy ; Organizations ; Investment ; Irrigation / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 941 Record No: H0150)
Chap. 2, General conclusions and Chap. 7, Implications for donors

5 Lenton, R. L. 1983. Management tools for improving irrigation performance. New Delhi, India: Ford Foundation. 32p. (Discussion paper series; no.5)
Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation management ; Agricultural production ; Water delivery ; Equity ; Water management / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G65D LEN Record No: H0131)
The paper analyses some of the tools which will be needed to make the management of irrigation systems less of an art and more of a science. The paper is divided into four parts: (1) performance criteria in irrigation management; (2) techniques by means of which performance might be monitored for large-scale irrigation systems; (3) diagnostic tools required for irrigation management and their desirable characteristics; and (4) management tools available for analyzing interventions to improve irrigation performance.

6 Reddy, J. M.; Clyma, W. 1984. Irrigation system improvement by simulation and optimization. Cairo, Egypt: Egypt Water Use and Management Project. 2 vols.; iv, 26p.; v, 35p. (EWUP technical report no.16; no.16B)
Simulation ; Optimization ; Mathematical models ; Canal linings ; Irrigation efficiency ; Benefits ; Water conveyance / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G730 RED Record No: H0159)
Vol. 1 - Theory. A theory for simulation and optimization of an irrigation system to evaluate improvement alternatives was presented. The mathematical simulation model of an irrigation system was developed combining existing models of conveyance, application and water use subsystems. The performance of the subsystem simulation models was verified using available field data from Pakistan. A methodology for the optimal design of a level basin irrigation system was described. Irrigation system improvement alternatives such as canal lining, earthen improvement of the application system were evaluated. Vol. 2 - Application. Wheat production on a watercourse in Pakistan was analyzed. Models for water conveyance, application, and water use subsystems were calibrated with data from the study area. The existing irrigation system operated at a 39 percent application efficiency and 53 percent conveyance efficiency. Optimal design of the application system with precision land leveling provided net benefits of 3625 rupees (Rs) compared to Rs 2612 under traditional field conditions. Canal lining was not economical. Earthen improvement of the conveyance system was beneficial to the farmer with a net profit of Rs 3304. Combined improvement of the application and conveyance systems almost doubled the total net benefits over the traditional system, but with an increased level of investment. The increase in benefits was mostly a result of the increased irrigated area that could be irrigated after the improvements. The benefit/cost ratio of each improvement alternative was different. The difference in benefits between improving the conveyance system and the application system was small, but there was a significant difference in net benefits between any single improvement and the combined improvement of the application and conveyance systems.

7 Indian Water Resources Society. 1982. Workshop on Water Distribution Practices, July 2-3 1982: Proceedings. Roorkee, India: India Water Resources Society. 118p.
Water distribution ; Tube wells ; Canals ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water supply ; Farmers' attitudes / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.6.3 G635 IND Record No: H0136)

8 Wickham, T. 1975. Predicting yield benefits in lowland rice through a water balance model. In International Rice Research Institute. Water management in Philippine irrigation systems: research and operations. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). pp.155-182.
Irrigation efficiency ; Rice ; Crop yield ; Water use efficiency / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.6 G732 INT Record No: H016)
A research project was carried out on large sites within irrigationsystems to determine the benefits of irrigation to yields of lowland rice. Datawere collected under farm level conditions to establish yield response to days of moisture stress. A model was then developed and employed to relate irrigation, rainfall and water-use parameters to days of moisture stress, and thus to yields. Although yield benefits due to irrigation were substantial for both seasons, they were seriously depressed because of imperfect irrigation, particularly in the dry season. Neither the height of paddy bunds nor the amount of rainfall in the sites were of major consequence to grain yield. Considerable variation in water-use was observed among the sites, but it was generally found that sites with low water-use efficiencies showed the greatest yield benefits, and vice versa.

9 El-Sheiek, K.; EWUP. Cairo Office Design Team. 1984. Baseline data for improvement of a distributary canal system. Cairo: Egypt Water Use and Management Project. viii, 57p. (EWUP project technical report no.72)
Water supply ; Social aspects ; Irrigation design ; Irrigation efficiency ; Canals ; Cropping systems / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G232 ELS Record No: H040)
(1.13 MB)
The EWUP conducted an irrigation research and development program from 1978 to 1984 in the Abu Raya area served by the Daqalt Canal in an effort to improve irrigation water management. Using an interdisciplinary effort, the program included the design, construction and operation of the Daqalt Canal system to deliver water to all farms in sufficient quantity at appropriate times to meet all water needs; to deliver water at an adequate and equitable flow rate and head and to minimize surface losses to drains. The original system was designed, constructed and operated under certain physical and operational assumptions that would minimize use of water while maximizing crop yields for all individual users. The report describes the physical characteristics of the existing system including water supply, canal structures, canal and mesqa surveys, soil conditions, crop patterns, water table levels, on-farm irrigation and water delivery requirements. The socio-economic characteristics of the existing system were also evaluated to assist in developing an equitable water user management program. The Daqalt Canal does not meet its original objectives due to water shortages, inadequate and inequitable flow rates and heads, and large surface losses to drains. These problems are caused by ineffective physical structures operation, conflicts existing with irrigation timing preferences, and poor canal maintenance. As such, the performance of the system falls short of that desired due to incorrect assumptions and improper management, and the entire water delivery system requires renovation within the context of the larger irrigation system. It is recommended that a complete hydraulic model of the existing Daqalt system should be developed under the constraint of available water levels in the Mit Yazid Canal, and the design re-evaluated in light of this model. The renovation process should continue, and water users themselves amalgamated into the design and operation of the water management plan.

10 P. T. Exsa International Co. Ltd. 1985. The Sederhana assessment study in four provinces: West Java, West Sumatera, North Sumatera, South Sulawesi. Jakarta, Indonesia: P. T. Exsa International. vi, 47 p.
Rehabilitation ; Irrigation efficiency ; Small scale systems ; Data processing ; Irrigable land ; Land use / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.7 G662 PTE Record No: H0221)

11 Sivanappan, R. K.; Padmakumari, O. 1980. Drip irrigation. Coimbatore, India: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. [ii], 58 p.
Sprinkler irrigation ; Drip irrigation ; Irrigation efficiency / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G656 SIV Record No: H0251)

12 Pasandaran, E. 1982. An evaluation of irrigation performance in Cirebon irrigation systems, West Java, Indonesia. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. 304 p.
Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation systems ; Institutions ; Water allocation ; Economic evaluation / Indonesia / Cirebon
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.4 G662 PAS Record No: H0321)
A study of irrigation performance in selected irrigation systems of Cirebon, West Java. Describes the institutional and organizational realities of irrigation systems. Presents an evaluation of crop performance and response function of paddy to irrigation via two basic concepts, namely Relative Water Supply and Water Shortage Index. Lastly, it deals with the equity in water allocation and the economic value of water.

13 Hossain, M. M. 1984. Parameters of performance of minor irrigation in Bangladesh: A consultancy report. Dhaka, Bangladesh: BARC. 41p.
Small scale systems ; Irrigated farming ; Irrigation efficiency / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.6.2 G584 HOS Record No: H0423)

14 Vermillion, D. L. 1986. Rules and processes: Dividing water and negotiating order in two new irrigation systems in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology. xiii, 413 p.
Water allocation ; Social systems ; Terminal level irrigation ; Irrigation efficiency / Indonesia / Sulawesi
(Location: IWMI-India Call no: D 631.7.3 G662 VER Record No: H0537)
Examines the nature of water allocation in two new farmer-managed irrigation systems in the Dumoga Valley of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The purpose of the research was three-fold: 1) to identify the social and physical aspects of these systems which influence how water is allocated among farmers' fields; 2) to analyze the interplay between rules and processes of farmer interaction; and 3) to examine the equity and efficiency of water use by farmers.

15 Renfro, R. Z. H.; Khan, J. M.; Khan, M. A. 1983. An economic evaluation of the watercourse improvement programme in Punjab. Lahore, Pakistan: Punjab Economic Research Institute. iii, 44p. (PERI publication no.202)
Irrigated farming ; Rehabilitation ; Watercourses ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water user associations ; Cost benefit analysis ; Economic evaluation / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.4 G654 REN Record No: H0302)

16 Indonesia. Directorate General of Water Resources Development. 1977. Kediri Nganjuk Project - Phase II: Final report. Hunting Technical Services Ltd. 56 p.
Tube wells ; Groundwater ; Pumps ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigated farming ; Cropping systems ; Water distribution ; Irrigation efficiency ; Farmer participation / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.6.2 G662 IND Record No: H0285)

17 Biswas, M. R. 1979. Causes of low command area and suggested measures. Paper presented at the 24 annual convention of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, held from 26-31 December 1979. 20p.
Irrigation efficiency ; Equity ; Pumps ; Irrigation efficiency / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 960 Record No: H0468)

18 Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. 1983. A preliminary report on "Applied research for increasing irrigation effectiveness and crop production" Progress report prepared for internal use. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Dhaka. 53p.
Irrigation efficiency ; Research ; Crop production / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 204 Record No: H0532)

19 Peterson, D. F. 1984. Systems and technology for improved irrigation water management. Logan, UT, USA: Utah State University. Paper prepared for agricultural rural development training workshop, Washington, 1984. 22p.
Irrigation efficiency ; Water management ; Rehabilitation ; Canals ; Technology ; Irrigation practices / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 669 Record No: H0352)

20 Eckert, J.; Dimick, N.; Clyma, W. 1975. Water management alternatives for Pakistan: A tentative appraisal. Fort Collins, CO, USA: Colorado State University. vii, 61p. (Water management technical report no.43 / Pakistan field report no.5)
Watercourses ; Development ; Investment ; Water loss ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water user associations ; Maintenance ; Land management ; Water management / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G730 ECK Record No: H0331)

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