Your search found 1 records
1 Somasiri, S. 1981. Land, water and crop management under irrigation in the dry zone of Sri Lanka: Agrotechnical information. Unpublished research report prepared for the Mahaweli Research Committee. 62p.
Climate ; Geology ; Geomorphology ; Soils ; Crops ; Evapotranspiration ; Irrigation water ; Water use ; Land management ; Water management ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Efficiency ; Surface irrigation ; Furrow irrigation ; Irrigated farming ; Basin irrigation ; Irrigation practices ; Water balance ; Catchment areas ; Water table ; Groundwater ; Drainage ; Sugarcane ; Land development ; Costs ; Crop production ; Settlement / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project / Kalankuttiya / Kantalai / Maha Illuppallama / Pelwehera
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4897 Record No: H022661)

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