Your search found 1 records
1 International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences. 1998. Reader on estimation of accumulated biomass and crop yields using remote sensing data: Main principles and case studies. A selection of publications. Last updated on 28 April 1998. v.p.
Remote sensing ; Satellite surveys ; Crop yield ; Estimation ; Case studies ; Wheat ; Cotton ; Barley ; Soyabeans ; Rice ; Sugar ; Plant growth ; Simulation models ; Ecology ; Soil-water-plant relationships ; Irrigation water ; Water use efficiency ; Crop production ; Evapotranspiration ; Water deficit ; Evaporation ; Soil water ; Computer analysis / Africa / Italy / Burkina Faso / Argentina / USA / Emilia Romagna / Pampean Region
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4877 Record No: H022533)

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