Your search found 53 records
1 Wade, R. 1982. The system of administrative and political corruption: Canal irrigation in South India. Journal of Development Studies, 18(3):287-328.
Corruption ; Administration ; Political attitudes ; Irrigation canals / India
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: P 1237 Record No: H03483)

2 Wade, R. 1984. Irrigation reform in conditions of populist anarchy: An Indian case study. Journal of Development Economics, 14:285-303.
Corruption ; Irrigation canals ; Political aspects ; Investment ; Irrigated farming ; Public policy / India
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: P 1238 Record No: H03482)

3 Wade, R. 1985. The market for public office: Why the Indian state is not better at development. World Development, 13(4):467-497.
Public sector ; Organizations ; Irrigation ; Bureaucracy ; Agriculture ; Corruption ; Political aspects / India
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: P 1140 Record No: H03905)

4 Jegannathan, N. V. 1986. Corruption, delivery systems, and property rights. World Development, 14(1):127-132.
Public administration ; Developing countries ; Property ; Corruption ; Public sector ; Bureaucracy ; Public policy
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4585 Record No: H021406)

5 Pleskovic, B.; Stiglitz, J. E. (Eds.) 1998. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1997. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank. v, 317p.
Economic development ; Economic growth ; Development policy ; Developing countries ; Corruption ; Public sector ; Political aspects ; Poverty ; Productivity ; Industrialization ; Ecosystems ; Environmental degradation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.9 G000 PLE Record No: H022638)

6 Lobina, E.; Hall, D. 2000. Public sector alternatives to water supply and sewerage privatization: Case studies. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 16(1):35-55.
Water supply ; Sanitation ; Institutions ; Public sector ; Private sector ; Participatory management ; Privatization ; Economic impact ; Social impact ; Corruption ; Case studies / Ivory Coast
Call no: PER Record No: H026220)

7 Reddy, Y. V. M. 2000. A participatory approach to watershed development programmes: Understanding constraints and exploring solutions. Waterlines, 19(2):13-15.
Watersheds ; Development projects ; Participatory management ; Rural development ; Corruption ; Political aspects ; Villages ; Monitoring ; Farmers ; Drought / India / Andhra Pradesh / Anantapur District
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H027038)

8 Pleskovic, B.; Stiglitz, J. E. (Eds.) 2000. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank. iv, 433p.
Economic development ; Economic theories ; Economic growth ; Economic policy ; Privatization ; Decentralization ; Corruption ; Legal aspects ; Developing countries ; Development banks ; Income distribution ; Models ; Development policy ; Equity ; Economic analysis ; Social aspects ; Land reform ; Poverty ; Tenancy ; Land ownership ; Financial institutions / China / Russian Federation / Czech Republic / USA / Brazil / Mexico / Taiwan / China
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.9 G000 PLE Record No: H027642)

9 Rinaudo, J. D. 2000. Rentes, corruption et lobbying politique: obstacles aux reformes dans le secteur irrigue au Pakistan. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, submitted to the Universite de Clermont Ferrand. 277p.
Irrigation management ; Political aspects ; Corruption ; Bureaucracy ; Environmental degradation ; Irrigation canals ; Hydraulics ; Water allocation ; Policy ; Organizational change ; Economic aspects ; Models / Pakistan / Southern Punjab / Fordwah / Chishtian
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: D 631.7.8 G730 RIN Record No: H028348)

10 AfDB. 2001. African development report 2001: Africa in the world economy - Fostering good governance in Africa - Economic and social statistics on Africa. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press (OUP) xii, 259p.
Economic development ; Economic analysis ; Political aspects ; Conflict ; Corruption ; Public sector ; Decentralization ; Development aid ; Statistics / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.9 G100 AFD Record No: H029105)

11 Rinaudo, J. D. 2002. Corruption and allocation of water: the case of public irrigation in Pakistan. Water Policy, 4(5):405-422.
Water allocation ; Water policy ; Decentralization ; Corruption ; Irrigation canals ; Farmers attitudes ; Water supply ; Water scarcity ; Models ; Regression analysis / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER, P 7231 Record No: H030922)

12 Hall, D. 2001. Water in public hands. London, UK: University of Greenwich, Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) 40p.
Participatory management ; Private sector ; Public sector ; Privatization ; Water supply ; Cost recovery ; User charges ; Pricing ; Water rates ; Corruption ; Public ownership ; Financing ; Financial institutions ; Capacity building
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043849)
(1.53 MB) (1.53 MB)

13 Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) 2002. Development assistance strategies in the 21st century: Global and regional issues – Volume 2. Tokyo, Japan: JBIC. iii, 439p. (JBICI research paper no.16-2)
Development aid ; Performance indexes ; Institutional development ; Governance ; Decentralization ; Corruption ; Policy ; Health ; Education ; Agricultural development ; Agricultural policy ; Poverty ; Economic aspects ; Trade policy ; Investment / Africa South of Sahara / Japan / Asia / South Asia / Latin America / China
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.9 G000 JBI Record No: H035323)

14 Murty, M. N.; James, A. J.; Misra, S. 1999. Economics of water pollution: the Indian experience. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press (OUP) xv, 295p.
Water pollution ; Environmental effects ; Environmental policy ; Industrialization ; Pollution control ; Legislation ; Wastewater ; Non-governmental organizations ; Developing countries ; Bureaucracy ; Corruption ; Households / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G635 MUR Record No: H035358)

15 Dinar, A.; Saleth, Rathinasamy Maria. 2005. Issues in water pricing reforms: from getting correct prices to setting appropriate institutions. In Folmer, H.; Tietenberg, T. (Eds.). The international yearbook of environmental and resource economics 2005/2006: a survey of current issues. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. pp.1-51.
Water rates ; Pricing ; Price policy ; Cost recovery ; Irrigation water ; Corruption ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.4 G000 DIN, 333.7 G000 FOL Record No: H037210)

16 Deshingkar, P.; Johnson, C.; Farrington, J. 2005. State transfers to the poor and back: The case of the Food-For-Work Program in India. World Development, 33(4):575-591.
Food for work ; Corruption ; Poverty ; Villages ; Wages ; Labor / India / Andhra Pradesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H037057)

17 Joseph, C. J. 2001. Beneficiary participation in irrigation water management: The Kerala experience. Thiruvananthapuram, India: Centre for Development Studies. Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development. 98p. (KRPLLD Discussion paper no.36)
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Irrigation programs ; Financing ; Maintenance ; Extension ; Training ; Water user associations ; Farmers’ associations ; Corruption ; Canal linings / India / Kerala
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G635 JOS Record No: H038342)

18 Tortajada, C. 2006. Water management in Singapore. International Journal of Water Resources Development. Special issue: Water management for large cities, 22(2):227-240.
Water supply ; Domestic water ; Water rates ; Governance ; Corruption ; Performance indexes / Singapore
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H039205)
Water has become an issue of national security for most countries of the world, Singapore being one of them because of its dependence on imports of water from Malaysia. In order to reduce its dependence on external sources, this city–state has developed and implemented extremely eficient demand and supply management practices. In addition to imports of water and land reclamation, this strategy is a combination of rainfall storage, desalination and very sophisticated technology for recycling used water. As the paper analyses, Singapore has successfully managed to find the right balances between water quantity and water quality considerations; water supply and water demand management; public sector and private sector participation; eficiency and equity considerations; strategic national interest and economic eficiency; and strengthening internal capacities and reliance on external sources.

19 Gupta, A. 1995. Blurred boundaries: The discourse of corruption, the culture of politics, and the imagined state. American Ethnologist, 22(2):375-402.
Bureaucracy ; Corruption ; Villages ; Social aspects ; Political aspects / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7763 Record No: H039721)

20 Cole, M.A. 2007. Corruption, income and the environment: An empirical analysis. Ecological Economics, 62:637-647.
Corruption ; Pollution ; Environmental degradation ; Income ; Economic aspects ; Sensitivity analysis
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 7850 Record No: H039953)

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