Your search found 15 records
1 Sbeih, M. Y. 1994. Water resources management in the occupied Palestinian territories. In International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) (Comp.), International Conference on Land and Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean Region, Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo, Valenzano, Bari, Italy, 4-8 September 1994: Volume 1 - Water resources management. pp.97-115.
Water resource management ; Water conservation ; Water quality ; Pollution control ; Groundwater ; Aquifers ; Rain ; Water demand ; Water use ; Wells ; Water springs ; Rehabilitation ; Pumping ; Irrigated farming ; Citrus fruits ; Wastewater ; Recycling ; Water reuse / Palestine / West Bank / Gaza / Marj Naa'ja Village / Nasla Sharqya Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 GG20 INT Record No: H020910)

2 Kobori, I.; Glantz, M. H. 1998. Central Eurasian water crisis: Caspian, Aral, and Dead Seas. Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University Press. x, 203p. (Water resources management and policy)
Water management ; Water resources ; Sustainability ; Environmental effects ; Public health ; Pollution ; Environmental policy ; Satellite surveys ; Ecology ; Water quality ; Water balance ; Water demand ; Water supply ; Watersheds ; Rivers ; River basins ; Conflict ; Analysis ; Water use ; Water policy ; Water rights ; Water law ; Legislation ; International cooperation ; Organizations / Asia / Middle East / Iran / Israel / Jordan / West Bank / Gaza / Palestine / Caspian Sea / Aral Sea / Dead Sea / Jordan River / Lake Hamun / Hirmand River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G570 KOB Record No: H022398)

3 Wolf, A. T. 1995. Hydropolitics along the Jordan River: scarce water and its impact on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University Press. viii, 272p.
Water resource management ; River basins ; Watersheds ; Hydrology ; History ; Groundwater ; Water use ; Water allocation ; Political aspects ; International cooperation ; Conflict ; Water scarcity ; Water shortage ; Water transfer ; Legal aspects ; Water law ; Water policy ; Economic aspects ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Aquifers ; Desalinization ; Environmental effects / Arab countries / Middle East / Israel / Syria / Jordan / West Bank / Gaza / Palestine / Lebanon / Jordan River / Med-Dead Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 GG30 WOL Record No: H022483)

4 Yaffe, A. 1998. The water sources of the West Bank of the Jordan Valley and their utilization. Water International, 23(1):31-36.
Water resources ; River basins ; Water use ; Villages / Jordan / West Bank / Israel / Jordan River / Ouja / Farah River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H023096)

5 Donkers, H. 1997. Fresh water as a source of international conflicts: The water conflicts between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians. In Brans, E. H. P.; de Haan, E. J.; Nollkaemper, A.; Rinzema, J. (Eds.), The scarcity of water: Emerging legal and policy responses. London, UK: Kluwer Law International. pp.135-157.
Water scarcity ; Conflict ; International cooperation ; Water supply ; Water allocation ; Equity ; Water law ; River basins / Middle East / Israel / Jordan / Palestine / West Bank / Jordan River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 BRA Record No: H023187)

6 Keller, R. 1998. Institutional situation in the water sector of some selected Middle East countries. In Abernethy, C. L.; Heim, F. (Eds.), Institutional reform and co-operation in irrigated agriculture, with special reference to Lao PDR and Vietnam: Proceedings of the International Workshop held from April 27 to May 2, 1998 in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR and the two national meetings held on May 7, 1998 in Hanoi, Vietnam and May 8, 1998 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Feldafing, Germany: ZEL. Food and Agriculture Development Centre. pp.63-77.
Water resource management ; Water demand ; Water scarcity / Middle East / Israel / Jordan / Palestine / West Bank / Gaza Strip
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G708 ABE Record No: H023321)

7 Lonergan, S. C.; Brooks, D. B. 1994. Watershed: The role of fresh water in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ottawa, Canada: IDRC. xiii, 310p.
Watersheds ; Geography ; Hydrology ; Climate ; Water scarcity ; Water shortage ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Wastewater ; Recycling ; Water harvesting ; Desalinization ; Drip irrigation ; Water loss ; Energy ; Water rates ; Pricing ; Water use ; Water conservation ; Water quality ; Aquifers ; Water pollution ; Water distribution ; Political aspects ; International cooperation ; Water management ; Legal aspects ; River basins ; Water allocation ; Water transfer ; Conflict ; Institutions ; Non-governmental organizations / Middle East / Israel / Palestine / Jordan / West Bank / Gaza Strip / Litani River / Jordan River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G694 LON Record No: H023826)

8 Haddad, M.; Bakir, A. 1998. An evaluation of public concerns about water management in the Palestinian territory pre, during, and post the national uprising. Water Resources Management, 12(5):359-374.
Water management ; Water quality ; Pollution control ; Political aspects ; Water availability ; Water allocation ; International cooperation / Middle East / Palestine / Israel / West Bank / Gaza Strip
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H023949)

9 Becker, N.; Zeitouni, N. 1998. A market solution for the Israeli-Palestinian water dispute. Water International, 23(4):238-243.
Water resource management ; International cooperation ; Conflict ; Water scarcity ; Water allocation ; Water market ; Water rights / Middle East / Israel / Palestine / West Bank / Gaza Strip
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H024013)

10 Haddad, M. 1998. Planning water supply under complex and changing political conditions: Palestine as a case study. Water Policy, 1(2):177-192.
Water resource management ; Planning ; Policy ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Political aspects ; Institutions ; Infrastructure ; Case studies / Middle East / Palestine / West Bank / Gaza Strip / Israel
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5141, PER Record No: H024363)

11 Porath, Y. 1999. Aspects of the development of ancient irrigation farming in the Jericho and En-Gedi oases in the Hasmonean and Herodian periods - (2nd CBCE - 1st CCE) In ICID, 17th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Granada, Spain, 1999: Water for Agriculture in the Next Millennium - Transactions, Vol.1J, History Seminar. New Delhi, India: ICID. pp.53-70.
Irrigated farming ; Oases ; Crop production ; History / Middle East / Israel / West Bank / Jericho Oases / En-Gedi Oases / Jordan Valley / Dead Sea Region
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: ICID 631.7 G000 ICI Record No: H025249)

12 Lindholm, H. 1995. Water and the Arab-Israeli conflict. In Ohlsson, L. (Ed.), Hydropolitics: Conflicts over water as a development constraint. Dhaka, Bangladesh: University Press Ltd. pp.55-90.
Rivers ; Water shortage ; Conflict ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Water stress ; Political aspects ; Water use ; Water scarcity ; Desalinization ; Water conservation ; Wastewater ; Recycling ; Irrigation water ; Environmental effects ; International cooperation / Arab countries / Middle East / Israel / Jordan / Syria / Lebanon / West Bank / Gaza / Jordan River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 OHL Record No: H025603)

13 Green Cross International. 2000. Water for peace in the Middle East and Southern Africa. Geneva, Switzerland: Green Cross. 160p.
Water resource management ; Watercourses ; Water use efficiency ; International cooperation ; Conflict ; Rivers ; Water scarcity ; Desalinization ; Water conservation ; Cost recovery ; Pricing ; Water rates ; Water allocation ; Water market ; Case studies ; Constraints ; Catchment areas ; Legal aspects / Middle East / Jordan / Palestine / Israel / Syria / Lebanon / Gaza / West Bank / Southern Africa / Lesotho / Zambia / Jordan River Basin / Kunene River
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: 333.91 G000 GRE Record No: H026885)
Collection of papers compiled and distributed in conjunction with two high-level Panel Debates on Water for Peace in the Middle East and in Southern Africa at the 2nd World Water Forum,The Hague, 2000

14 Owens, W.; Brunsdale, K. 2000. Solving the problem of fresh water scarcity in Israel, Jordan, Gaza and the West Bank. In Green Cross International, Water for peace in the Middle East and Southern Africa. Geneva, Switzerland: Green Cross. pp.67-74.
Water scarcity ; Desalinization ; Water use ; Water quality ; Water storage ; Aquifers ; Water delivery / Middle East / Israel / Palestine / Jordan / Gaza / West Bank / Syria / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 GRE Record No: H026891)

15 Phillips, D. J. H.; Attili, S.; McCaffrey, S.; Murray, J. S. 2007. The Jordan River Basin: 1. Clarification of the allocations in the Johnston Plan. Water International, 32(1):16-38.
River basins ; Water allocation ; Planning ; Water rights ; Watersheds / Middle East / Arab countries / Syria / Lebanon / Israel / Jordan / West Bank / Egypt / Jordan River Basin / Yarmouk River / Lake Tiberias
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 7968 Record No: H040515)

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