Your search found 20 records
1 van Hoorn, J. W.. 1971. Salt tolerance and crop management on salt-affected soils. In Salinity Seminar Baghdad: Report of Regional Seminar on Methods of Amelioration of Saline and Waterlogged Soils, Baghdad, Iraq, 5-14 December 1970. Rome, Italy: FAO. pp.136-148.
Soil salinity ; Soil water relations ; Crop yield
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.2 G000 SAL Record No: H06583)

2 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Bouzid, N.; El-Sayed Mahrous, S.; Mastrorilli, M. 1992. Effect of salinity on water stress, growth and yield of broadbeans. Agricultural Water Management, 21(1&2):107-117.
Salinity ; Water stress ; Crop yield ; Plant growth
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H010459)

3 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Karam, F.; Mastrorilli, M. 1994. Effect of salinity on emergence and on water stress and early seedling growth of sunflower and maize. Agricultural Water Management, 26(1/2):81-91.
Soil salinity ; Plant growth ; Water stress ; Sunflowers ; Maize ; Evapotranspiration / Italy
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H015481)

4 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Karam, F.; Mastrorilli, M. 1996. Effect of salinity on water stress, growth, and yield of maize and sunflower. Agricultural Water Management, 30(3):237-249.
Soil salinity ; Water stress ; Water use efficiency ; Evapotranspiration ; Plant growth ; Crop yield ; Maize ; Sunflowers ; Soil texture ; Experiments
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H018547)

5 Katerji, N.; Van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 1994. Effect of saline water on soil salinity and on water stress, growth and yield of several crops. In International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) (Comp.), International Conference on Land and Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean Region, Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo, Valenzano, Bari, Italy, 4-8 September 1994: Volume 1 - Water resources management. pp.357-381.
Water quality ; Irrigation water ; Soil salinity ; Water stress ; Plant growth ; Crop yield ; Sunflowers ; Maize ; Potatoes ; Beans ; Soil water ; Evapotranspiration ; Water use efficiency ; Experiments / Italy / Bari
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 GG20 INT Record No: H020925)

6 van Hoorn, J. W.; Katerji, N.; Hamdy, A. 1997. Long-term salinity development in a lysimeter experiment. Agricultural Water Management, 34(1):47-55.
Soil salinity ; Lysimetry ; Experiments ; Soil water ; Irrigation water ; Water quality ; Models
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H021015)

7 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Karzel, E. M. 1997. Osmotic adjustment of sugar beets in response to soil salinity and its influence on stomatal conductance, growth and yield. Agricultural Water Management, 34(1):57-69.
Crop yield ; Plant growth ; Soil salinity ; Water stress ; Soil moisture ; Evapotranspiration ; Irrigation water ; Water use efficiency / Italy / Bari
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H021016)

8 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Karam, F. 1998. Salinity and drought, a comparison of their effects on the relationship between yield and evapotranspiration. Agricultural Water Management, 36(1):45-54.
Salinity ; Water quality ; Irrigation water ; Drought ; Crop yield ; Evapotranspiration ; Maize ; Potatoes ; Soyabeans ; Sunflowers ; Models / Italy / Bari
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H022346)

9 van Hoorn, J. W.. 1998. Letter to the editor: Comments on "Evaluation of two water table management models for Atlantic Canada" by S. O. Prasher et al., Agricultural Water Management 32(1996) 49-69 and "Application of DRAINMOD under semi-arid conditions" by G. P. Gupta et al., Agricultural Water Management 24 (1993) 63-80. Agricultural Water Management, 37(3):255-258.
Water management ; Water table ; Drainage ; Simulation ; Mathematical models
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H023101)

10 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 1998. Response of tomatoes, a crop of indeterminate growth, to soil salinity. Agricultural Water Management, 38(1):59-68.
Tomatoes ; Plant growth ; Soil salinity ; Water stress ; Water use efficiency
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H023389)

11 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 2000. Salt tolerance classification of crops according to soil salinity and to water stress day index. Agricultural Water Management, 43(1):99-109.
Crops ; Soil salinity ; Water stress ; Wheat ; Maize ; Potatoes ; Soyabeans ; Sunflowers ; Tomatoes / Tunisia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H025579)

12 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 2001. Salt tolerance of crops according to three classification methods and examination of some hypothesis about salt tolerance. Agricultural Water Management, 47(1):1-8.
Crop production ; Beans ; Wheat ; Maize ; Potatoes ; Soyabeans ; Sunflowers ; Tomatoes ; Water stress ; Models ; Evapotranspiration ; Soil salinity ; Plant growth ; Nitrogen
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H027899)

13 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Oweis, T.; Erskine, W. 2001. Response of two varieties of lentil to soil salinity. Agricultural Water Management, 47(3):179-190.
Crop production ; Soyabeans ; Soil salinity ; Water use efficiency ; Lysimetry ; Experiments ; Water stress ; Plant growth ; Crop yield / Italy
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H027968)

14 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Oweis, T.; Malhotra, R. S. 2001. Response to soil salinity of two chickpea varieties differing in drought tolerance. Agricultural Water Management, 50(2):83-96.
Crop production ; Cereals ; Water stress ; Water use efficiency ; Soil salinity ; Drought ; Lysimetry ; Evapotranspiration / Italy
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H028723)

15 van Hoorn, J. W.; Katerji, N.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 2001. Effect of salinity on yield and nitrogen uptake of four grain legumes and on biological nitrogen contribution from the soil. Agricultural Water Management, 51(2):87-98.
Soil properties ; Soil salinity ; Nitrogen ; Legumes
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H028891)

16 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 2003. Salinity effect on crop development and yield, analysis of salt tolerance according to several classification methods. Agricultural Water Management, 62(1):37-66.
Soil salinity ; Water use efficiency ; Lysimetry ; Evapotranspiration ; Water stress ; Crop production ; Vegetables / Italy / Bari
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H032266)

17 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M. 2004. Comparison of corn yield response to plant water stress caused by salinity and by drought. Agricultural Water Management, 65(2):95-101.
Water stress ; Drought ; Salinity ; Maize ; Yields ; Irrigation scheduling
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H034199)

18 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Oweis, T. 2005. Salt tolerance analysis of chickpea, faba bean and drum wheat varieties: I. Chickpea and faba bean. Agricultural Water Management, 72(3):177-194.
Wheat ; Drought ; Crop production ; Soil salinity ; Water use efficiency ; Lysimetry ; Drainage / Italy
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H036802)

19 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Nachit, M. M.; Oweis, T. 2005. Salt tolerance analysis of chickpea, faba bean and durum wheat varieties: II Durum wheat. Agricultural Water Management, 72(3):195-207.
Crop production ; Wheat ; Chickpeas ; Faba beans ; Salinity ; Water stress ; Drought ; Lysimetry ; Water stress
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H036803)

20 Katerji, N.; van Hoorn, J. W.; Fares, C.; Hamdy, A.; Mastrorilli, M.; Oweis, T. 2005. Salinity effect on grain quality of two durum wheat varieties differing in salt tolerance. Agricultural Water Management, 75(2):85-91.
Salinity ; Water use efficiency ; Wheat ; Yields
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H036923)

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