Your search found 169 records
1 Zubari, W. K.; Mubarak, M. A.; Madany, I. M. 1993. Development impacts on groundwater resources in Bahrain. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 9(3):263-279.
Groundwater depletion ; Water resources ; Water demand ; Reservoirs ; Aquifers ; Water policy ; Water law / Bahrain
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H013390)
The development process in Bahrain has led to a continuous depletion of its groundwater resources. The unplanned, excessive pumping of groundwater caused a sharp decrease in groundwater storage and the lowering of the aquifer's potentiometric levels by about 4 metres in the period from 1925 to 1991. As a result, more than half of the original groundwater reservoir has been completely polluted. Development activities will be hindered if the effects of these activities on the groundwater reservoir are not realized. In order to sustain the aquifer usefulness in the development process, the reservoir's natural balance must be re-established. Therefore, the need for multi-objective planning aiming at integrating Bahrain's limited water resources capacity and water demands is of paramount importance.

2 Chanduv¡, F. 1993. Irrigation with wastewater in Xochimilco, Mexico DF, Mexico. In FAO, Prevention of water pollution by agriculture and related activities: Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation, Santiago, Chile, 20-23 October 1992. Rome, Italy: FAO. pp.127-137.
Irrigation canals ; Wastewater ; Groundwater depletion ; Water pollution ; Water quality ; Soil salinity / Mexico
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.5 G000 FAO Record No: H016500)

3 Abed, L.; Zhu, Z. 1995. Effects of including sea water intrusion values and corrected phreatophyte depletions on calculation of the Nile River water balance. Paper, National Water Research Center (Egypt), Strategic Research Program. 30p. (Working paper series no.16-1)
Salt water intrusion ; Water balance ; River basin development ; Groundwater depletion ; Water budget ; Water resource management ; Irrigation efficiency ; Evaporation / Egypt / Nile River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4047 Record No: H017454)

4 Llamas, R.; Back, W.; Margat, J. 1992. Groundwater use: Equilibrium between social benefits and potential environmental costs. Applied Hydrogeology, 1(2):3-14.
Groundwater development ; Groundwater management ; Groundwater extraction ; Groundwater depletion ; Aquifers ; Sustainability ; Water use ; Environmental effects ; Irrigation water ; Policy / USA / North Africa / Spain / Sahara / San Joaquin Valley / Ogallala Aquifer
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4074 Record No: H017497)
(1.33 MB)

5 Vaidyanathan, A. 1996. Depletion of groundwater: Some issues. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 51(1/2):184-192.
Groundwater depletion ; Groundwater irrigation ; Water table / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H019168)

6 Postel, S. 1996. Dividing the waters: food security, ecosystem health, and the new politics of scarcity. Washington, DC, USA: Worldwatch Institute. 76p. (Worldwatch Paper 132)
Water resources ; Legal aspects ; International cooperation ; Ecosystems ; Water demand ; Runoff ; Water management ; Groundwater depletion ; Surface water ; Food security / Africa / Middle East / USA / China / India / Bangladesh / Australia / Colorado River Basin / Nile River / Aral Sea / Murray Darling River Basin / Jordan River Basin / Ganges
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 POS Record No: H019381)

7 Booker, J. F. 1994. Arizona groundwater management alternatives. In Fontane, D. G.; Tuvel, H. N. (Eds.), Water policy and management: Solving the problems: Proceedings of the 21st annual conference, ASCE, Denver, Colorado, May 23-26, 1994. New York, NY, USA: ASCE. pp.351-354.
Groundwater management ; Water policy ; Water use ; Groundwater depletion ; Economic aspects ; Pumping ; Costs / USA / Arizona
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 FON Record No: H019821)

8 Gajja, B. L.; Shah, D. 1995. Managing land and water resources for sustainable agricultural development: Issues and options. Artha Vijnana, 37(1):46-65.
Water resource management ; Land management ; Sustainable agriculture ; Groundwater depletion ; Soil degradation ; Soil salinity ; Waterlogging ; Water table ; Water balance / India / Haryana
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4446 Record No: H020148)

9 Rosegrant, M. W.; Meinzen-Dick, R. S. 1996. Water resources in the Asia-Pacific Region: Managing scarcity. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 10(2):32-53. (IFPRI reprint no.339)
Water resource management ; Land resources ; Indicators ; Water use efficiency ; Salinity ; Waterlogging ; Groundwater depletion ; Water demand ; Water pollution ; Irrigation water ; Investment ; Water reuse ; Water allocation ; Economic aspects ; Water market / Asia / Pacific Islands / Cambodia / China / Indonesia / Korea Republic / Laos / Malaysia / Mongolia / Myanmar / Philippines / Thailand / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4449 Record No: H020229)
(1.54 MB)

10 Chatterjee, P. 1997. Water in India: Mismanaging a vital resource. D+C (Development and Cooperation), No.2:21-23.
Water resource management ; Water use ; Water scarcity ; Rural women ; Public health ; Water demand ; Resource allocation ; Groundwater Depletion ; Water shortage ; Irrigation canals ; Conflict / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3201 Record No: H012640)

11 Munasinghe, M. 1992. Water supply and environmental management: Developing world applications. Boulder, CO, USA: Westview Press. xviii, 447p. (Studies in water policy and management)
Water resource management ; Water policy ; Analysis ; Planning ; Water supply ; Optimization ; Rural development ; Natural resources ; Environmental policy ; Environmental effects ; Environmental degradation ; Groundwater ; Water pollution ; Salinity ; Aquifers ; Surface water ; Health ; Sanitation ; Water users ; Water costs ; Price policy ; Economic aspects ; Economic analysis ; Economic evaluation ; Water quality ; Models ; Water loss ; Water demand ; Forecasting ; Appropriate technology ; Groundwater depletion ; Developing countries ; Case studies / Egypt / UK / Africa / Nigeria / Ghana / Cyprus / India / USA / Brazil / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 MUN Record No: H021845)

12 1997? Water user habits and groundwater depletion in and around the Auroville area, Tamil Nadu, S. India. Unpublished report. 23p.
Groundwater depletion ; Water resources ; Wells ; Water use ; Salt water intrusion / India / Tamil Nadu / Auroville
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4725 Record No: H022061)

13 Seckler, D.; Molden, D.; Barker, R. 1998. Water scarcity in the twenty-first century. In IWMI Sri Lanka, 6th MANCO (Mancid Annual Conference) - "Sustainable rice production." World water demand and supply 1990-2025: Scenarios and issues, 13 October 1998, Alor Setar, Kedah. 12p. (IWMI water brief no.1)
Water scarcity ; Forecasting ; Water demand ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water resources ; Groundwater depletion ; Water pollution
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 333.91 G000 SEC Record No: H023255)

14 Gardner, R.; Moore, M.; Walker, J. 1997. Governing a groundwater commons: A strategic and laboratory analysis of western water law. Economic Inquiry, 35:218-234.
Groundwater depletion ; Water law ; Public ownership ; Models ; Experiments / USA
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5047 Record No: H023861)

15 Seckler, D.; Barker, R.; Amarasinghe, U. 1999. Water scarcity in the twenty-first century. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 15(1/2):29-42.
Research priorities ; Water scarcity ; Poverty ; Population growth ; Water demand ; Irrigation efficiency ; Groundwater depletion ; Aquifers ; Water table / China / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H024204)
As we approach the next century, more than a quarter of the world’s population or a third of the population in developing countries live in regions that will experience severe water scarcity. This paper reports on a study to project water supply and demand for 118 countries over the 1990-2025 period. The nature and geographic focus of growing water scarcity are identified. In the semi-arid regions of Asia and the Middle East, which include some of the major breadbaskets of the world, the groundwater table is falling at an alarming rate. There is an urgent need to focus the attention of both professionals and policy makers on the problems of ground water depletion, which must be seen as the major threat to food security in the coming century.

16 Dhawan, B. D. 1995. Groundwater depletion, land degradation and irrigated agriculture in India. New Delhi, India: Commonwealth Publishers. xv, 200p. (Studies in economic development and planning no.60)
Groundwater depletion ; Irrigated farming ; Rice ; Wheat ; Water table ; Waterlogging ; Soil salinity ; Subsurface drainage ; Soil degradation ; Land reclamation ; Irrigation canals ; Seepage ; Wells ; Investment / India / Punjab / Gujarat / Tamil Nadu / Patiala / Ludhiana / Maharashtra / Madhya Pradesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.6.3 G635 DHA Record No: H024225)

17 Shah, T. 1998. The deepening divide: diverse responses to the challenge of groundwater depletion in Gujarat. Anand, India: Policy School. 36p. (Policy School Working Paper 2)
Groundwater depletion ; Water table ; Wells ; Pumping ; Water use ; Water resources ; Public policy ; Water scarcity ; Recharge ; Non-governmental organizations / India / Gujarat
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 5127 Record No: H024271)

18 Wolff, P.; Stein, T. M. 1999. Zur diskussion gestellt: Mit weniger wasser mehr nahrungsmittel erzeugen? [Presented for discussion: More food with less water?]. Journal of Applied Irrigation Science, 34(1):61-84.
Agricultural production ; Food production ; Water use efficiency ; Land use ; Groundwater depletion
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5140 Record No: H024318)

19 Al-Sakkaf, R.; Zhou, Y.; Hall, M. J. 1999. A strategy for controlling groundwater depletion in the Sa'dah Plain, Yemen. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 15(3):349-365.
Groundwater depletion ; Groundwater irrigation ; Hydrology ; Geology ; Wells ; Simulation models ; Water demand ; Water law ; Water resource management ; Sustainability / Yemen / Sa'dah Plain
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H024539)

20 Nagaraj, N.; Frasier, W. M.; Sampath, R. K. 1999. Groundwater institutions in US and India. Economic and Political Weekly, June 26:A 93-104.
Groundwater management ; Groundwater development ; Groundwater depletion ; Groundwater irrigation ; Wells ; Equity ; Sustainability ; Water use efficiency ; Water conservation ; Institution building ; Legal aspects ; Tank irrigation ; Recharge / India / USA / Nebraska
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5216 Record No: H024708)

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