Your search found 1 records
1 Mulligan, H. K.. 1990. Private sector involvement in the irrigation industry. Report to Australian Water Research Advisory Council and New South Wales Department of Water Resources. AWRAC Research Project W88/03 - "Implementation theory and the privatisation of irrigation systems in New South Wales" viii, 116p.
Irrigation management ; Public policy ; Water policy ; Government managed irrigation systems ; Public sector ; Private sector ; Participatory management ; Privatization ; Organizational development ; Irrigation systems ; Water law ; Environmental effects ; Farming ; Salinity ; Waterlogging ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Social aspects / Australia / UK / USA / France / New Zealand / Canada / Asia / New South Wales / Jemalong Plains / Wyldes Plains / North America
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3978 Record No: H017125)

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