Your search found 2 records
1 van de Laar, A.. 1993. Trends in irrigation development and food supplies. In van de Laar, A., Water development for power and irrigation, the environment and sustainable development. The Hague, The Netherlands: Institute of Social Studies. pp.32-61. (Institute of Social Studies. Management of Common Pool Natural Resources Project. Discussion note no.12)
Irrigation programs ; Water resources development ; Groundwater ; Surface irrigation ; Salinity ; Waterlogging ; Conjunctive use
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3565 Record No: H014981)

2 van de Laar, A.. 1993. Water development for power and irrigation, the environment and sustainable development. Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands, Management of Common Pool Natural Resources Project discussion note no.12. iii, 87p. (Working paper series no.141)
Water resources development ; Dam construction ; Environmental effects ; Natural disasters ; Sustainability ; Irrigation water ; Flood control ; Sedimentation ; Siltation ; Hydrology ; Ecology ; Conjunctive use ; Surface irrigation ; Groundwater ; Waterborne diseases ; Soil salinity ; Waterlogging ; Crop yield ; Reservoirs ; Control methods ; Water management ; Irrigated farming ; Public health / Asia / India / Bangladesh / Pakistan / China / Egypt / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3634 Record No: H012646)

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