Your search found 2 records
1 Hafid, A.; Hayami, Y. 1978. Mobilizing local resources for irrigation development: the subsidi desa case of Indonesia. In IRRI, Irrigation policy and management in Southeast Asia. Los Banos, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute. pp.123-133.
Rehabilitation ; Subsidies ; Returns / Indonesia / West Java / South Sulawesi
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G570 IRR Record No: H02291)
The impact of national subsidies on the rehabilitation of two small-scale river-diversion irrigation systems in Indonesia is examined. One system is in West Java and the other in South Sulawesi; both serve less than 100 ha. The rehabilitation involved the repair and raising of the diversion dams and the lining of some canals. The study shows that the subsidies were substantial inducements to the mobilization of local resources, and that as a result high rates of return on the rehabilitation projects were achieved.

2 Hafid, A.; Hayami, Y. 1979. Mobilizing local resources for irrigation development: The Subsidi Desa Case of Indonesia. In IRRI. Irrigation and Water Management Department, Background papers on social, economic, communication and institutional issues in irrigation water management. Vol.3. 18p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Rehabilitation ; Economic evaluation ; Development policy ; Resource management ; Training ; Case studies / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3283 Record No: H013803)

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