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1 Carter, D. L.; Brockway, C. E.; Tanji, K. K. 1993. Controlling erosion and sediment loss from furrow-irrigated cropland. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 119(6):975-988.
Erosion ; Sedimentation ; Furrow irrigation ; Pipes ; Irrigation water ; Water management ; Watersheds ; Environmental effects / USA / California / Idaho / Wyoming / Washington
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H013672)
Irrigation-induced erosion and subsequent sediment loss is a serious agricultural and environmental problem. Recent recognition of this problem has stimulated the development and evaluation of erosion and sediment-loss- control technology. Research results indicate that the application of the technology available today can reduce sediment loss by 70-100%. Important practices include irrigation-water-management, sediment-retention basins, buried-pipe tailwater-control systems, vegetative filter strips, tailwater- recovery systems, keeping crop residues on the soil surface and in furrows, and implementing conservation tillage practices.

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