Your search found 3 records
1 CIRAD; INRA; ORSTOM. 1989 - SESAME. Paris, France: UREF. Universites Francophones. 1 CD.
Databases ; Information storage ; Rural development ; Agriculture / France / Madagascar / Belgium / Cameroon / Senegal / Sahel / Canada / chad
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: CD Col Record No: H05151)
SESAME is the bibliographic databank of French-language literature on agricultural research and rural development, a combination of files produced by the documentation centers of various organizations who wish to encourage the exchange of published information between these organizations, and with outside agencies, and promote agronomic research work in French-speaking countries throughout the world. It is produced by CIRAD (Centre de Cooperation Internationale de recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement, (France)), INRA (Institu National de la Recherche Agronomique (France)), and ORSTOM (Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation (France)), in collaboration with AGROPOLIS (France), BDPA-SCETAGRI (France), CRA (Tchad), Club du Sahel de l'OCDE, FOFIFA et CIDST (Madagascar), Faculte de Gembloux (Belgique), IBISCUS (France), IRA et IRZ (Cameroun), ISRA (Senegal), RESADOC (Sahel) and Universite Laval (Canada). 2nd edition produced in 1991 has 66500 citations.

2 Kasetsart University; ORSTOM. 1996. Agricultural and irrigation patterns in the Central Plain of Thailand: Preliminary analysis and prospects for agricultural research and development. Bangkok, Thailand: DORAS Project. iv, 224p.
Irrigation programs ; Cropping systems ; Farming systems ; Rice ; Crops ; Diversification ; Agricultural policy ; Water use ; Water control ; Water management ; Water distribution ; Water delivery ; Water quality ; Pollution ; Farmers' attitudes ; Economic aspects ; Industrialization ; Population ; Land tenure ; Labor ; Social systems / Thailand
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G750 KAS Record No: H019189)

3 CIEH; ORSTOM; LCT-CEMAGREF-ENGREF. 1996. Crues et apports: Manuel pour l'estimation des crues décennales et des apports annuels pour les petits bassins versants non jaugés de l'Afrique sahélienne et tropicale s che. Rome, Italy: FAO. xviii, 244p. (Bulletin FAO d'irrigation et de drainage 54)
River basins ; Hydrology ; Precipitation ; Flood control ; Evaluation ; Technology transfer / Africa / Sahel
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 627.4 G100 CIE Record No: H020795)

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