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1 Forrest, M. H.; Merkley, G. P. 1993. Unique problems in modeling irrigation canals. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 119(4):656-662.
Irrigation canals ; Models ; Flow control
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H013056)
This is one of several introductory papers resulting from work by the ASCE Task Committee on Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling. It is intended to serve as background for analyses by the Task Committee of several available programs. Irrigation-canal modeling is based on the same unsteady-flow equations used for river modeling. However, the canal and irrigation environment present several unique simulation problems generally not encountered in river modeling. These include zero-depth conditions, mixed- regime and reversing flow, gate submergence, flow in inverted siphons and culverts, multiple flow paths, and control-system interfaces. This paper outlines some of these special problems, discusses their importance, and reviews some solution approaches in general terms.

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