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1 ASCE Task Committee on Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling. 1993. Unsteady-flow modeling of irrigation canals. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 119(4):615-630.
Irrigation canals ; Flow control ; Models ; Computer techniques ; Water management ; Simulation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H013053)
Historically, the distribution of water in irrigation-canal networks has been poor in many irrigation projects around the world. This has lead to poor use of the water supply. Unsteady-flow mathematical models of irrigation-canal networks are needed to examine the transient nature of canal flows. Use for such models applied to canal networks are real-time control, gate scheduling, analysis of operations, and training. The task committee on Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling examined a number of the computer programs available for simulating unsteady open-channel flow. A number of evaluation and comparison criteria were developed related to technical merit, modeling capabilities, and user considerations. The committee identified current limitations of these models and needs for improvements. Limitations of these canal models are lack of publicity, poor documentation, user confidence and knowledge, and the difficulty of calibration.

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