Your search found 6 records
1 Menenti, M.; Chambouleyron, J.; Morabito, J.; Fornero, L.; Stefanini, L. 1992. Appraisal and optimization of agricultural water use in large irrigation schemes: I. Theory. Water Resources Management, 6(3):185-199.
Water use ; Irrigation systems ; Optimization ; Percolation ; Mathematical models ; Water supply
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H011998)

2 Menenti, M.; Chambouleyron, J.; Morabito, J.; Fornero, L.; Stefanini, L. 1992. Appraisal and optimization of agricultural water use in large irrigation schemes: II. Applications. Water Resources Management, 6(3):201-221.
Water use ; Irrigation systems ; Optimization ; Mathematical models ; Surface water ; Groundwater / Argentina
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H011999)

3 Chambouleyron, J.; Salatino, S.; Morabito, J; Fornero, L. 1993. Performance of basin irrigation in the Lower Tunuy n River in Mendoza, Argentina. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 7(1):1-11.
Basin irrigation ; Irrigation efficiency ; Performance evaluation / Argentina
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H013381)
This paper results from the evaluation of irrigation in 37 different basins planted with perennial crops in the oasis irrigated by the Lower Tunuy n River in Mendoza, Argentina. The basins were evaluated by calculating management parameters through volumetric analysis. The results of this analysis were compared with the values obtained by means of the BRDRFLW mathematical model (Strelkoff, 1985). Four main elements were considered for analysis: application efficiency, cut-off time, length, and net depth, Multiple correlations were established and transferred to the graphics, which are simple and suitable for use by extensionists and farmers interested in improving basin irrigation efficiency.

4 Jorge, C.; Salatino, S.; Morabito, J.; Mirabile, C. 1997. Irrigation efficiency as a performance parameter in the command area of the middle and lower Tunuyan River, Mendoza, Argentina. In IIMI; ILRI; INA–CRA; IHE; UNC. International seminar: Research Program on Irrigation Performance (RPIP), Mendoza, Argentina, 3-7 November 1997. Papers presented. [Vol.1]. 15p.
Irrigation efficiency ; Performance evaluation ; River basins ; Surface irrigation ; Furrow irrigation ; Border irrigation ; Water distribution ; Water delivery ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigated farming / Argentina / Mendoza / Tunuyan River
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 IIM Record No: H021669)
(1.11 MB)

5 Morabito, J.; Bos, M. G.; Vos, S.; Brouwer, R. 1997. The service level between the irrigation department and the users associations, Tunuyan System, Mendoza, Argentina. In IIMI; ILRI; INA–CRA; IHE; UNC. International seminar: Research Program on Irrigation Performance (RPIP), Mendoza, Argentina, 3-7 November 1997. Papers presented. [Vol.2]. 13p.
Water delivery ; Performance indexes ; Water user associations ; Irrigation management ; Water requirements ; Crop production ; Water rights ; Irrigation systems / Argentina / Mendoza / Tunuyán River / Carrizal Reservoir
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 IIM Record No: H021673)
(0.91 MB)

6 Morabito, J.; Bos, M. G.; Vos, S.; Brouwer, R. 1998. The quality of service provided by the irrigation department to the users associations, Tunuyan System, Mendoza, Argentina. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 12(1):49-65.
Water user associations ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Water law ; Water rights ; Water requirements ; Water delivery ; Irrigation programs ; Performance evaluation / Argentina / Mendoza / Tunuyan System
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H022490)

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