Your search found 1 records
1 MSIDD DA Core Team; Dedrick, A. R.; Clemmens, A. J.; Clyma, W.; Gibson, R. D.; Levine, D. B.; Replogle, J. A.; Rish, S. A.; Ware, R. E.; Wilson, P. N. 1992. The Demonstration Interagency Management Improvement Program (MIP) for irrigated agriculture in the Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District (MSIDD). Vol. 1 - The Diagnostic Analysis (DA) report of the MSIDD area MIP. Washington, DC, USA: USDA. Agricultural Research Service. ii, 97p. (IMIP document 5)
Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Agricultural development ; Diagnostic techniques / USA
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G430 MSI Record No: H011523)

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